McConnell On ACA Attack: Not Wasting Time On Repeal With ‘No Chance’ Of Passing

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Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) voiced the death knell for any renewed attempts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act Wednesday, telling Fox News’ Bret Baier that the Senate won’t waste its time with something that has “literally no chance of becoming law.”

Even when Baier brought up the possibility that the current court action will propel the law back to the Supreme Court where it hypothetically could be struck down as unconstitutional, McConnell demurred.

“Then we will have to revisit the whole matter but that’s not likely to happen anytime in the next couple of years,” he said. “I think people need to take a deep breath and settle down and let us work on some of these more modest fixes that I think the American people need and deserve.”

President Donald Trump abruptly took up the cause of killing the Affordable Care Act again recently, throwing his hope and support behind a lower court ruling that would invalidate the entirety of the law. Several states and D.C. appealed that ruling, and expedited oral arguments are scheduled to begin in June.

Trump’s zeal created a headache for Republicans, many of whom are still bruised from the Democrats’ health care-themed triumphs of 2018 and who realize that taking health insurance away from 20 million-plus Americans with no backup plan would be an unmitigated disaster.

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  1. Yo Yertle if you don’t have a plan in place then you own this you MoFo.

    When was the last time Kentuckians rode someone out of the state on a rail?

  2. let us work on some of these more modest fixes that I think the American people need and deserve.

    Might want to stick to need there Mitch. After electing worthless p’s.o.s. like you and your boss we’re already getting what we deserve.

  3. Trump’s zeal created a headache for Republicans

    What? The Republicans love is zeal.

  4. Trump’s zeal created a headache for Republicans[quote=“imkmu3, post:4, topic:86686”]
    What? The Republicans love is zeal.

    Somewhere there has to be a zest for cruelty. Republicans are born with the zeal, it’s the zest that makes their legislation have that extra zing.

  5. "… and let us work on some of these more modest fixes that I think the American people need and deserve.”

    “And, of course, by ‘modest fixes’ I mean continued steps to unravel the ACA, take healthcare away from as many as possible, and blame it on Obama and his terrible healthcare law (that doesn’t even now exist in its original and intended form, thanks to us).”

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