‘Lying’: Comey, Lanny Davis Slam Trump’s Claim FBI Broke Into Cohen’s Office

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Former FBI Director James Comey and Lanny Davis, an adviser to Michael Cohen, each slammed President Donald Trump on Sunday for what they said was Trump “lying” about FBI raids of the home, office and hotel room of the President’s former lawyer and fixer earlier this year.

In a tweet, Comey pointed out that the FBI carried out the raids for Cohen’s materials after obtaining a search warrant — a far cry from the break-in Trump asserted had occurred in his own tweet Sunday morning.

And, speaking On CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Davis, Cohen’s former attorney and current adviser, said of the search warrant execution: “[Cohen] not only consented to [the search], he thanked them for their courtesy as they left, and you have a President denouncing the FBI, lying about a warrant and a legal search.”

“He’s the top law enforcement officer of the country and who does he praise? He praises people who have lied and refused to cooperate, the opposite of what a president should do,” Davis added.

Cohen himself said in an interview shortly after the raids: “I am unhappy to have my personal residence and office raided. But I will tell you that members of the FBI that conducted the search and seizure were all extremely professional, courteous and respectful. And I thanked them at the conclusion.”

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Notable Replies

  1. No news here, but I must say that Bob Schieffer looks a lot younger than he used to.

  2. Avatar for j.dave j.dave says:

    “Absolutely unthinkable & unheard of” pretty much describes the state of the world since 11-9-16.

  3. Because they knew it was a lawyer’s office they bent over backwards to conduct the raid properly. I remember the judge appointed a former judge to effectively oversee the document review.

  4. Avatar for dave48 dave48 says:

    As the Cult of the Trump spirals into complete insanity things will only get weirder; much weirder. I just hope we all survive what happens when they snap completely.

  5. Avatar for sooner sooner says:

    “He’s the top law enforcement officer of the country and who does he praise? He praises people who have lied and refused to cooperate, the opposite of what a president should do,” Davis added.

    Even more troubling are the 34% of Voters who continue to approve of this idiots behavior. That special place in Hell is currently being expanded…

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