Lara Trump Slams DNC For ‘Dismal’ And ‘Depressing’ Vision Of America

Screengrab/NBC NEWS/Weekend TODAY
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Trump campaign senior adviser Lara Trump on Saturday slammed the recent Democratic National Convention for presenting what she called a “dismal” vision of America’s future, that she said would not be repeated at the Republican party’s convention next week.

“What we saw last week from the Democrats, really their entire convention was about bashing Donald Trump, and it was a dark, dismal and really depressing vision of America I think that they presented,” she told NBC in a Saturday Weekend Today interview. Lara Trump is also President Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law.

“We are going to have the opposite,” Lara Trump said. “Ours will be hopeful and inspirational and patriotic.” She said that she wanted Republicans at the end of the convention to be convinced “that America continues to be the greatest, most exceptional nation in the world.”

Her comments echo those made by Trump when on Friday he called the Democratic convention the “darkest and angriest and gloomiest” in the country’s history in remarks to a conservative group in Virginia.

Both of the Trumps remarks come after a four-day virtual Democratic convention that culminated Thursday as former Vice President Joe Biden accepted the party’s presidential nomination and speakers throughout the week suggested that President Trump was unfit to carry the country through the coronavirus pandemic which has killed more than 170,000 people in the United States.

Biden on Thursday urged voters to choose what he called “a path of hope and light.”

“If you entrust me with the presidency, I will draw on the best of us, not the worst. I’ll be an ally of the light, not the darkness,” Biden said.

The senior adviser said of the RNC, that Trump will be a part of each of its four nights as speakers praise his work over the past three and a half years.

“President Trump is the American dream,” she said.

Lara Trump’s remarks sharply contrast the sentiments of the likes of former First Lady Michelle Obama who delivered a fiery keynote speech last week and told Americans that “Donald Trump is the wrong president for our country,” and suggested that the President “is clearly in over his head.”

“He cannot meet this moment,” the former First Lady said. “He simply cannot be who we need him to be for us. It is what it is.”

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Notable Replies

  1. “What we saw last week from the Democrats, really their entire convention was about bashing Donald Trump, and it was a dark, dismal and really depressing vision of America I think that they presented,”

    “Dark, dismal and really depressing”

    What is the picture that Republicans presented for the last 10 years? Has it been an America full of possibilities? Or an America under siege and full of terror?

    I agree, for the first time, Democrats painted a pretty bleak picture. That is because if your miserable fuckhead father-in-law remains the President, our future is fucked, because this idea of “checks and balances” is a fantasy because the Republican Party is bought and paid for by a hostile foreign government and by a base of the population who have given up on our system of government and want a Trump kingship.

  2. “Ours will be hopeful and inspirational and patriotic.”

    One spoken loud and clear, “Fear us.”

  3. Said the DIL of Trump who delivered the Carnage speech…
    Do you need to take reading comprehension or cognitive test Lara?


    With passion and purpose, let us begin – you and I together, one nation, under God – united in our love for America and united in our love for each other.
    For love is more powerful than hate.
    Hope is more powerful than fear.
    Light is more powerful than dark.
    This is our moment.
    This is our mission.
    May history be able to say that the end of this chapter of American darkness began here tonight as love and hope and light joined in the battle for the soul of the nation.
    It’s a disconnect, lying to herself or projection!

    And yes…you are so full of sh*t, you phonies, fakes, hypocrites!
  4. and it was a dark, dismal and really depressing vision of America

    She could be referring to Trump’s inaugural speech.

  5. Okay Lara. You might want to check out what your father-in-law has accomplished.

    • The devastation your FIL has wrought upon his own country is unparalleled.

    • Lack of leadership and willful ignorance on his part and his followers has brought us here (no strategy for tackling the virus as infections and death tolls rise)

    • a decimated economy

    • division and unrest throughout the country

    • used the military to gas and fire rubber bullets on peaceful protest in OUR streets

    • diminished standing in the world

    • attacked and weakened our institutions that protect us and our democracy (intelligence, judicial, environment, etc. etc.)

    • He has created the “American Carnage” he promised on his inauguration day and is hellbent on burning it all down before he is escorted out of the White House.

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