IRS Official Claims She Has Never Consorted With The Devil, Cannot Fly (VIDEO)

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WASHINGTON (AP) — For the record, the Internal Revenue Service official in charge of implementing a big part of the new health care law tells Congress she has never knowingly consorted with the devil.

And she cannot fly.

Sarah Hall Ingram was testifying before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Wednesday when Congressman Gerald Connolly tried to mock Republican efforts to demonize her. The Virginia Democrat asked Ingram several unorthodox questions about witchcraft as part of the hearing.

Some GOP lawmakers have been hammering Ingram for months because she once headed the IRS division that targeted conservative political groups for extra scrutiny when they applied for tax-exempt status. Hall said she left to run the agency’s health care office in 2010, about six months before a top deputy learned about the targeting.

Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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