Graham Pronounces That The U.S. ‘Will Be Going Back’ Into Afghanistan

WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 30: U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) (Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)
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Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) predicted Sunday that the United States will re-invade Afghanistan in the future.

“They’re going to give safe haven to Al Qaeda who has ambitions to drive us out of the Mid East writ large and attack us because of our way of life,” Graham said in an interview with BBC News. “We will be going back into Afghanistan as we went back into Iraq and Syria.”

When the host interjected, asking if he was really saying that the United States would deploy troops back into Afghanistan in the foreseeable future, Graham responded in the affirmative.

“We’ll have to,” he said. “We’ll have to. Because the threat will be so large … It will be a cauldron for radical Islamic behavior.”

Graham also spent much of the interview praising former President Donald Trump’s handling of Afghanistan, though Trump is the one who cut the deal with the Taliban for U.S. withdrawal.

Biden officially ended the withdrawal mission on August 30.

Graham, a staunch Trump ally, has vociferously criticized Biden for pulling U.S. troops out of the region and ending the 20-year war, claiming that it’ll set the stage for another 9/11-style attack. He has also called for Biden to be impeached over the decision, which will not happen while both chambers of Congress are controlled by Democrats.

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Notable Replies

  1. Go ahead Ms. Lindsey, mount that White Charger and lead us to battle…

  2. Many Afghans do not want us to return. Women living in rural Afghanistan do not look at Americans as liberators or protection against terrorism. They perceive us as killers who indiscriminately kill old men, women and children.

    Go away Lindsey no one wants to hear from you.

    The Other Afghan Women | The New Yorker

  3. This guy. There’s just nothing to say that hasn’t been said a thousand times before. Utterly contemptible.

    ETA Was there one peep out of this chipmunk when Trump simply abandoned the Kurds in Syria? Did he say one goddamn word?

    ETA Thanks to @inversion I see that he did. Good for him.

  4. Graham Pronounces That The U.S. ‘Will Be Going Back’ Into Afghanistan

    Why, did he leave his dentures on the night table there?

  5. “We’ll have to,” he said. “We’ll have to. Because the threat will be so large … It will be a cauldron for radical Islamic behavior.”

    And Libya. And Syria. And Sudan. And Yemen. And a host of African countries providing haven to Boko Haram.

    The list keeps growing…

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