Doral Reversal Leaves Mulvaney In A More Vulnerable Position Than Ever

White House acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney (BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)
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President Donald Trump has been displeased with acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, and recently reached out to Nick Ayers, former aide to Vice President Mike Pence, to see if he’d be willing to return to Washington.

According to the New York Times, Mulvaney’s disastrous press conference Thursday only increased the volume on the chorus of advisers telling Trump to ditch him.

Trump ultimately reversed himself on hosting next year’s G7 summit at the Doral Resort just days after Mulvaney gave a press conference in full-throated support of the Doral plan. Mulvaney also pooh-poohed Camp David as an option, which Trump himself suggested this weekend.

CNN reported that Mulvaney’s job was at risk even earlier than this most recent ruckus, but that the sudden tumult of the impeachment inquiry postponed that reckoning.

The last straw for Trump on Doral reportedly came from disapproval of his plan from Republicans and Fox News talking heads. With the impeachment inquiry chugging full steam ahead, the President is wary of alienating especially those lawmakers he may need to vote against impeachment and removal from office.


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