Rep. Dan Kildee (D-MI) chalked up President Trump’s petty response to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to the President’s maturity level: He’s “being a man-baby” again.
“We are ready to take up any legislation that we think the President may sign or any legislation with sufficient votes to pass it without the President’s signature,” Kildee said. “This is the president essentially being a man-baby all over again.”
Kildee calls Trump response to Pelosi request to postpone SOTU just the President "being a man baby all over again"
— TPM Livewire (@TPMLiveWire) January 17, 2019
After Pelosi sent Trump a letter asking that the State of the Union address be postponed until after the government reopened, Trump responded by refusing to allow her to use military aircraft to travel to Brussels, Egypt, and Afghanistan, suggesting she fly commercial instead.
Love it. Get him where it hurts: call him a temper tantrum throwing whiny baby.
Hit him again!
Sorry, man-baby, you’re not getting your $5 billion pacifier, no matter how many fits you pitch.
Babies are at the mercy of their parents
Thanks for the adoption, Nancy…we’ll help out with day-care if needed.
Did Trumpie-Wumpie make a dookie-wookie? What a good boy!