Dems Request Docs On Contacts With Wikileaks, Julian Assange During 2016 Campaign

LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 19: Julian Assange speaks to the media from the balcony of the Embassy Of Ecuador on May 19, 2017 in London, England. Julian Assange, founder of the Wikileaks website that published US Governme... LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 19: Julian Assange speaks to the media from the balcony of the Embassy Of Ecuador on May 19, 2017 in London, England. Julian Assange, founder of the Wikileaks website that published US Government secrets, has been wanted in Sweden on charges of rape since 2012. He sought asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and today police have said he will still face arrest if he leaves. (Photo by Jack Taylor/Getty Images) MORE LESS
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During the 2016 electoral cycle, Wikileaks released two major caches of emails allegedly stolen by Russian hackers: emails from the Democratic National Committee, released in July, and the contents of John Podesta’s email account, released in October.

The timing of both releases — and court filings from the Mueller investigation — have stoked speculation that the Trump campaign had inside knowledge of Wikileaks’ plans. Public statements by GOP operative Roger Stone that he was in touch with Assange and knew what was coming when have further added fuel to the fire.

House investigators requested that dozens of former campaign officials provide information about any contacts they knew of regarding Wikileaks, from Jan. 1, 2016 to the present.

House investigators are interested in the following witnesses and entities:

-Cambridge Analytica CEO Alexander Nix

-Translator for the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting Anatoli Samochornov

-Private equity executive and cousin of Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg Andrew Intrater

-Brad Parscale, digital media director for Trump’s 2016 campaign, vendor to the Trump Inaugural Committee

-Brittany Kaiser, director at Cambridge Analytica during the 2016 election

-Cambridge Analytica, a UK-based political consulting firm

-Carter Page, Trump campaign foreign policy adviser

-Venture capitalist, Deripaska-linked Christopher Bancroft Burnham

-Columbus Nova, Intrater’s company that signed a $1 million contract with Michael Cohen

-Former Trump campaign chair Corey Lewandowski


-Former White House Counsel Don McGahn

-Donald Trump Jr., presidential son and Trump Org executive

-Eric Trump, son of the president and Trump Org executive

-Former Blackwater CEO Erik Prince


-Flynn Intel Group


-Frontier Services Group, Erik Prince’s company

-General Services Administration

-George Nader, Middle Eastern fixer with links to the United Arab Emirates who is cooperating with the special counsel probe

-Trump Transition 

-George Papadopoulos, former Trump 2016 adviser who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI

-Hope Hicks, former Trump campaign press secretary and White House communications adviser

-Trump Org

-Irakly Kaveladze, Russian-American real estate developer who attended June 2016 Trump Tower meeting 

-J.D. Gordon, Trump 2016 national security adviser 

-Trump campaign

-Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and White House adviser

-Tony Fabrizio, Republican pollster and strategist questioned by Mueller about polling data Manafort shared with pro-Kremlin individuals during the 2016 campaign

-Manafort spokesman Jason Maloni

-Jeff Sessions, former attorney general

-Jerome Corsi, conspiracy theorist who appeared to have advance knowledge of WikiLeaks’s release of John Podesta’s emails

-Peter Smith associate John Szobocsan

-Wikileaks founder Julian Assange

-Ted Malloch, London-based writer who served as Corsi’s alleged WikiLeaks contact

-Cambridge Analytica CEO Julian David Wheatland

-Kushner companies

-Matt Tait, cybersecurity expert contacted by Peter Smith to obtain Clinton emails

-Steve Bannon, former Trump 2016 CEO and White House chief strategist. Ex-vice-president of the board of Cambridge Analytica

Michael Cohen,  former personal attorney and fixer for President Trump

-Michael Flynn, former Trump campaign adviser and U.S. national security adviser

-SCL Group Limited,  parent company of Cambridge Analytica

-Michael Flynn Jr., Flynn’s son and an aide on the 2016 campaign

-The White House

-Paul Erickson, Republican strategist who helped connect ex-girlfriend and admitted Russian agent Maria Butina to NRA and GOP bigwigs

-Sam Nunberg,  Trump 2016 campaign adviser 

-Estate of Peter Smith, deceased GOP operative who sought to obtain Clinton’s emails during the 2016 campaign

-Randy Credico, associate of Roger Stone who Stone claimed was his “conduit” to WikiLeaks

-Roger Stone, GOP “dirty trickster” indicted for lying about his efforts to obtain Clinton’s emails from WikiLeaks and for interfering with witnesses

-Reince Priebus, former RNC chairman and White House chief of staff

-Rhona Graff, Trump’s longtime personal assistant at the Trump Organization

-Sean Spicer, ex-White House Press Secretary and Trump administration communications director

-Rob Goldstone, British music publicist who helped broker the Trump Tower summit between Kremlin-linked Russian attorney and Trump campaign officials 

-Rick Gates, former Manafort deputy, ex-Trump campaign and transition adviser, now a cooperating witness in the special counsel probe 

-Rinat Akhmetshin, Russian-American lobbyist who attended the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting 

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