Confederate Statues In Memphis Removed After City Sells Public Parks

A statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest sits on a concrete pedestal at a park named after the confederate cavalryman on Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2013 in Memphis Tenn. The Memphis City Council has voted to rename Forrest Park an... A statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest sits on a concrete pedestal at a park named after the confederate cavalryman on Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2013 in Memphis Tenn. The Memphis City Council has voted to rename Forrest Park and two other Confederacy-themed parks. (AP Photo/Adrian Sainz) MORE LESS
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MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — Crews removed two Confederate statues from Memphis parks after the city sold them to a private entity.

The City Council had earlier voted unanimously Wednesday to sell two parks where Confederate statues were located and crews began working right away to remove a statue of Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest. At the second park, a statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis was later taken down.

The parks were sold to Greenspace Inc. for $1,000 each, The Commercial Appeal reported . Memphis Chief Legal Officer Bruce McMullen said Greenspace can legally remove the statues, which the city was unable to do.

Live video from Health Sciences Park captured cheers as the statue of Forrest was lifted off its marble base and placed on a flatbed truck late Wednesday. Police had cordoned off the area around the statue. The statue of Davis was at Fourth Bluff Park.

McMullen said the statues would be stored in an undisclosed location.

Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland tweeted that the work in the parks complies with state law.

Earlier this month, the city filed a petition asking for judicial review of the Tennessee Historical Commission’s denial of a request to remove the Forrest statue.

“I commend Mayor Strickland and the City Council for finding a way to legally remove statues from an era that is not representative of Memphis today and have remained an affront to most of the citizens of Memphis,” U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen, a Democrat from Memphis, said in a statement.

Cities have tried to remove Confederate monuments after the racially motivated massacre of nine people at a black church in South Carolina and a violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Protesters have called for the removal of the Forrest statue, saying it represents racism and bigotry. City leaders have discussed ways to relocate the statue and move his remains, which are buried under the monument.

Forrest was a slave trader, Confederate general and Ku Klux Klan leader who became influential in the city’s growth after the Civil War.

Supporters of keeping the statue in place say it represents an important part of history. The Sons of Confederate Veterans in Memphis has said such monuments do not represent white supremacy and it would be a mistake to remove them.

“It is a deliberate attempt to avoid the state law and the city is breaking the law,” Lee Millar with Sons of Confederate Veterans told WREG-TV on Wednesday.


Information from: The Commercial Appeal,

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Notable Replies

  1. C’mon, AP, this story is missing some information - who is “Greenspace”? Much better coverage in the linked article. Maybe the alt-righties can get their tighty-whiteys in a bunch when it comes time to move the sainted remains of Forrest back to their original resting place. It looks as though they got out-maneuvered over the statues, so clearly it’s time to crank up the grievance machine.

  2. Avatar for ajoguy ajoguy says:

    So long, farewell, auf weidershen, goodbye!

  3. Avatar for fgs fgs says:

    I’d like to donate a storage shed for the remains.

  4. Avatar for bdtex bdtex says:

    Gov. Bredesen’s Senate race just got more difficult. You can bet Marsha Blackburn will make an issue of this.

  5. I gotta say – I don’t like this. I mean, for sure, I like that the statues are down, and I get that the state has unfairly frustrated the best efforts of the government and citizens on Memphis, but I don’t like how they did this.

    This is eerily reminiscent (in fact, it seems essentially identical to) how many southern states tried to avoid desegregation orders in their schools.

    I’m old enough to remember: local jurisdictions would “shut down” their entire school systems, sell everything to a private non-profit, who would then re-open the schools as private schools, and restrict them to whites-only.

    (And even besides that – do we want our public parks and lands sold off?)

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