As a key moderate Republican on issues like Obamacare and women’s health, Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) expressed her dismay over the Justice Department’s efforts to invalidate all of the Affordable Care Act as unconstitutional.
“This is many times worse because now the Justice Department is trying to strike down the entire law, rather than trying to invalidate just provisions that the Department views as unconstitutional,” Collins told the local News Center Maine, reflecting on previous Republican efforts to repeal portions of the law. “This is something I vehemently disagree with, and I hope that the courts do not go along with what the Justice Department has requested.”
Collins has been a champion of keeping portions of the law in place, particularly protections for people with pre-existing conditions and the expansion of Medicaid.
“Vehemently” concerned and troubled.
“Collins has been a champion”
No. No no no. Just. Fucking. NO.
The only viable end to that sentence is “of her own self-interest.” Period. .
Your daily Collins forecast calls for light and variable opinions.
“Vehemently Disagrees” until she votes!
The same Senator Susan Collins who voted to confirm Justice Kavafter after expressing her “concerns”? We all know where this is going.