Christie: Sessions Lied To Congress About Russian Contacts Out Of Stupidity

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Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Tuesday that he believed former Attorney General Jeff Sessions made false statements to Congress out of stupidity.

“Bad people and stupid people lie all the time for no reason at all,” Christie told MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace during an interview promoting his new book.

“Jeff Sessions is bad and stupid?” Wallace asked.

Sessions, Christie said, wasn’t “bright enough to be in the position where he is.”

“So just stupid, but not bad?” Wallace asked.

“I don’t think he’s a bad person,” Christie replied.

Wallace pressed again: “So you think he lied about conversations with [Former Russian ambassador to the U.S. Sergey] Kislyak out of stupidity?”

“Yeah, I do, absolutely,” Christie said.

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Notable Replies

  1. That’s a crime right?

  2. Avatar for davidn davidn says:

    This is not an Onion article, just so you know.

  3. Is Chris Christie dumb or is he stupid?

  4. Avatar for davidn davidn says:

    Yes, you have it on record that at least one Republican thinks that Jeff is criminally stupid.

    Now, where does that put the rest of the gang in the WH?

  5. There’s another word that rhymes with stupidity that also was a likely reason that Sessions lied to Congress…


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