CDC Site Deletes Anecdotal Reports Of Docs Using Trump’s Touted Anti-Malaria Drugs

President Donald Trump listens to questions in the White House press briefing room with members of the Coronavirus Task Force on April 3, 2020. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) quietly deleted large chunks of its guidelines on hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, two anti-malaria drugs President Donald Trump has claimed to be potentially effective treatment for COVID-19 (they have not been proven to treat the virus).

Eli Lee, a researcher at the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) watchdog organization, flagged on Tuesday that the CDC’s advisory on coronavirus treatment no longer includes details of how “some U.S. clinicians have reported anecdotally different hydroxychloroquine dosing,” and that hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are “reportedly well-tolerated in COVID-19 patients.”

The site also previously stated that the two drugs “are currently recommended for treatment of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in several countries.”

The advisory did not provide any sources or names in those anecdotes.

The section on hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine has now been whittled down to one paragraph explaining that they are merely “under investigation in clinical trials.”

Reuters reported last week that those anecdotes had appeared on the CDC website shortly after Trump had privately tried to pressure health officials into using hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to treat COVID-19. Neither of the drugs have been tested for the virus.

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Notable Replies

  1. Testing by a French study determined the efficacy of using hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine against the COVID-19 virus: Zero.

  2. If Trump recommends it, I’m against it! (Apologies to Groucho Marx.)

  3. It is about fucking time…,

    Did anyone tell the Dotard?

  4. “Ya mean I wuz wrong?!”


    “Tell Jr. to dump the Sanofi holdings.”

  5. Did CDC takedown the anecdotal report because they are NOT prepared to face lawsuits?

    A medical expert, Haseltine is a biologist renowned for his work in confronting the HIV/AIDS epidemic, for fighting anthrax and for advancing our knowledge of the human genome said:

    • taking hydroxychloroquine at best will have a very mild effect per studies has shown and it is irresponsible to promote this drug at this time

    Take a listen…


    Greed-Over-People are at it again…
    After Tx Lt. Gov. said it is OK to KAG (Kill American Geriatrics) for Wallstreet$$$,
    In a Texas nursing home, some residents were given Trump’s much touted drug WITHOUT informing the families first!

    A group of COVID-19 positive residents at a Texas City nursing home are being treated with the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Monday.

    Families of residents were not notified before the drugs were administered, but nursing home operators were in the process of notifying them Monday, Armstrong said.

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