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Biden Admin Announces New Ad Campaign To Beat Vaccine Skepticism

US President Joe Biden speaks to the press before boarding Air Force One after spending the weekend in Wilmington, at New Castle airport in New Castle, Delaware on March 28, 2021. (Photo by OLIVIER DOULIERY / AFP) (P... US President Joe Biden speaks to the press before boarding Air Force One after spending the weekend in Wilmington, at New Castle airport in New Castle, Delaware on March 28, 2021. (Photo by OLIVIER DOULIERY / AFP) (Photo by OLIVIER DOULIERY/AFP via Getty Images) MORE LESS
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The Biden administration on Thursday morning announced a new ad campaign aimed at encouraging Americans to get vaccinated against coronavirus that includes participation from hundreds of organizations and “local voices people know and trust” to help boost confidence around vaccination.

The push comes amid ongoing skepticism about the vaccine particularly among Republicans, Black and Latino people, and White evangelicals. Administration officials have warned that supply could eventually outpace demand if wide swaths of the population remain opposed to vaccination. 

NASCAR, the Catholic Health Association of the United States and the North American Meat Institute are just a few of the 275 organizations coming together as part of a “Community Corps” that will target communities where hesitancy about getting a COVID-19 shot remains high. Among the group are a number of religious organizations, including Catholic and evangelical groups that are expected to help address religious concerns about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which uses abortion-derived fetal cell lines.

“The Community Corps will be comprised of trusted voices in communities across the country,” the Health and Human Services Department said in a news release announcing the campaign.

Vice President Kamala Harris and Surgeon General Vivek Murthy are expected to meet with founding members of the corps on Thursday.

The campaign, with ads in English and Spanish, will air throughout April on network TV and cable channels nationwide, as well as online.

The campaign launch follows President Joe Biden’s announcement of a new goal last week to administer 200 million vaccine doses by his 100th day in office. The new goal doubles his initial pledge to achieve 100 million shots in arms within his first 100 days which was surpassed last month.

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  1. Wasn’t T**** getting vaccinated in secret behind closed doors enough for the deplorables? What else could the guy possibly have done?

  2. I’ll concur that this is a good idea and worth doing right, but this article doesn’t mention Matt Gaetz even once.

  3. Yeah, they could have also easily worked in a Cuomo link without breaking a sweat.

  4. Missing a bet if they don’t feature Sarah P., now that she’s got the 'rona and is a big mask believer. Whom do the wingnuts trust more? And she can include the GOP Thought for Today: Just remember, everyone, it’s not a problem until it affects you.

  5. The VP is doing an event with HHS to unveil this campaign. Enlisting NASCAR and the NAACP are great ideas.

    If the data from Israel portends a similar trend in the US, once we reach Biden’s goals for vaccinating the adult population, we may drop the incidence level of COVID to below 1% and effectively achieve herd immunity on the original COVID and the UK/SA variants even if a bunch of folks refuse to get the vaccine. However, the unvaccinated pose a risk of becoming incubators and transmitters of other COVID variants like the Brazilian variant or homegrown variants, and that puts kids in an especially vulnerable situation.

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