Arizona House Rep. Gail Griffin (R) wants the next Arizonian who logs on for some risqué web browsing to pony up for a border wall against Mexico.
According to the Arizona Mirror, Griffin recently introduced a House bill that would require tech manufacturers to install software on Internet-accessible devices that would block pornography until the user pays $20.
All the money would go to what the bill calls the “John McCain Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Fund.” The fund would allocate grants for the state to “build a border wall between Mexico and this state or fund border security,” among other purposes.
Needless to say, the bill probably isn’t going anywhere.
“It’s pretty clearly unconstitutional,” Mike Stabile, a spokesman for the Free Speech Coalition, told the Mirror.
The bill seems connected to conservative lawyer Chris Sevier, who has attempted to push similar bills in more than a dozen other states. His bizarre record also includes: suing Democrats for flying pride flags, fighting gay marriage by repeatedly trying to marry his laptop and suing Apple for letting porn ruin his marriage.
According to the Arizona Mirror, Griffin recently introduced a House bill that would require tech manufacturers to install software on Internet-accessible devices that would block pornography until the user pays $20.
Well , as Repukes down load it through their subsidised expense accounts …
Presumably only Mexican porn, though.
Now having a wall entirely paid for by the GOP deplorable base, and their elected officials is worth considering.
I suppose the $20 was decided on as being easily affordable to most televangelists.