Anti-Trump Republicans Launch Super PAC To Encourage GOP Voters To Support Biden

Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden speaks about the unrest across the country on June 2, 2020 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)
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Republican operatives who oppose President Donald Trump have launched a super PAC to shore up GOP votes for Trump’s Democratic rival, former Vice President Joe Biden.

Matt Borges, the founder of the “Right Side PAC,” told Axios on Wednesday that his group will reach out to disaffected Republican voters digitally and via phone and mail in crucial swing states, such as North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

The PAC also includes Anthony Scaramucci, the White House’s former communications director who served for a mere 10 days before he was ousted.

Borges said he and his cohorts see the upcoming elections as an “opportunity to kind of reset things” in the GOP, fearing that Trump “may set the Republican Party up to be a minority party for a generation” if he gets reelected.

“We’re not trying to become Democrats,” the super PAC leader told Axios, asserting that he “would never” carry out the operation for Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), who were Biden’s progressive rivals in the Democratic primary.

Biden has presented himself as a GOP-friendly choice, dodging when asked if he would veto a universal health care bill and even floating in earnest the possibility of choosing a Republican running mate.

“You know, there are some really decent Republicans that are out there still,” the former vice president told voters in late December. “But here’s the problem right now, of the well-known ones: They’ve got to step up.”

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Notable Replies

  1. 2020 Presidential Election:

    Trump vs No Trump

  2. Yes, I’ll vote for him, because armageddon is a poor alternative, but let’s not forget that Joe is a corporatist through and through and even if Dems take the Senate and beef up their House majority, he will still hold the line for multinationals, insurance companies, and banks.

  3. Avatar for docd docd says:

    And a Dem in the WH, no matter who it is, will remind the GOP that we have 3 branches of government, and that Congress can actually disagree with POTUS.

  4. Corporatist! Bankster!

    Oops. I forgot to add DRINK!

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