Mueller: Burr Briefed White House On Russia Probe Days After 2017 Gang Of 8 Reveal

In this Sept. 20, 2017, file photo, Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., listens on Capitol Hill in Washington. Burr and Sen. Thom Tillis issued statements Nov. 15, saying they will vote against Michael Dourson to serve as hea... In this Sept. 20, 2017, file photo, Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., listens on Capitol Hill in Washington. Burr and Sen. Thom Tillis issued statements Nov. 15, saying they will vote against Michael Dourson to serve as head of EPA's Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File) MORE LESS
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Days after the FBI privately revealed to Senate Intel Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) and other key congressional leaders its investigation into the Trump campaign’s Russia links, Burr “appears to have” provided the White House information on the probe, special counsel Robert Mueller said in the redacted report released Thursday.

The detail is based on notes that Don McGahn’s chief of staff took in 2017. The report leaves open the possibility the Burr may have been briefing the White House on the committee’s own Russia investigation, as McGahn and his chief of staff later claimed. But the report’s analysis treats such a claim with skepticism, since the notes used language that doesn’t make sense in the context of a congressional investigation and that track with the background materials the FBI provided the congressional leaders in its briefing.

Burr’s spokesperson did not respond to TPM’s inquiry. However, she told Politico that Burr “does not recall this specific conversation with Mr. McGahn in March of 2017.”

She added, “however, any conversations between the two would have been in reference to the need for White House personnel to voluntarily comply with the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Russia investigation.”

“If specific individuals were discussed, they would have been those known to the committee, the White House, and the media. The Chairman’s stewardship over the Committee’s bipartisan and fact-based investigation over the last two years speaks for itself,” the spokesperson, Caitlin Carroll told Politico.

A spokesperson for Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), the vice chair on the committee, declined to comment to TPM.

According to Mueller’s report, then-FBI Director Comey briefed Congress’ “Gang of 8” on March 9 2017.  The “Gang of 8” refers to the leaders of both parties in both chambers of Congress, as well as the majority and minority leaders of the intelligence committees in both chambers.

A footnote goes into more detail into exactly what the notes of McGahn’s chief of staff, Ann Donaldson, said and why it was plausible — and likely — that the information pertained to the FBI’s investigation.

At the time, very little was publicly known about the FBI’s Russia probe. Comey didn’t publicly confirm it until more than a month later. However there were already concerns being raised about Republican members of Congress — including Burr — running interference for President Trump in the investigations. In February it was reported that the White House tapped Burr, and his counterpart in the House, then-Intel Chairman Devin Nunes, to engage with news organizations on Trump’s behalf and spin against stories reporting the links between his campaign and Russia.

Warner at the time expressed “grave concerns” about what the collaboration meant for the independence of the committee investigations.

However, in the years since, the Senate Intel Committee’s Russia investigation has moved forward with less public drama and more bipartisan comity than the House probe.  Burr was particularly troubled publicly by Comey’s firing in May 2017.

The Senate Intelligence Committee has already issued some bipartisan preliminary findings in its investigations into how Russia sought to influence the 2016 election. However, it has not yet released its conclusions on the Trump campaign aspect of its inquiry.

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Notable Replies

  1. GOP corruption (more of it) will come out…both from Mueller’s work and from other investigations…the same GOP who, apparently, are immune to criminal or other legal liability.

  2. Burr’s spokesperson did not respond to TPM’s inquiry. However, she told Politico that Burr “does not recall this specific conversation with Mr. McGahn in March of 2017.”

    And, yet, he appears to be a corrupt, two-faced, traitorous sack-o’-crap who sang like a canary, nonetheless…

  3. What happens to Burr for doing this? What happens to Sarah Sanders for lying about FBI agents hating Comey? Check out this video from CNN. What happens to this woman who won’t even consider the fact that she was the unwitting pawn of a hostile foreign state? Will any of the multitude of liars and traitors (unwitting or otherwise) stand up and take responsibility for what they have done?

  4. Bear in mind the optics of being both an absolute slug and a liable slug and one who excuses the 100 or so offenses Trump will be found to be guilty of, in an impeachment trial

  5. I’ll only say, the report’s “skepticism” not withstanding, that Burr is a more skilled coverer of tracks than Devin Nunes. Must be the Southern “gentleman” bit.

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