‘IndoctriNation’ Doc Argues Public Schools Are Hurting Christianity

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Indoctrination Alert!

A new documentary argues that public schools are part of the “government controlled education monopoly” that is leading to the “decline of Christianity in America.”

The doc’s full title is “IndoctriNation: Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America,” and the DVD costs just $19.95 (though for $50 you can get also the deluxe “Backstage Pass” edition). It was officially released on October 18, according to a press release, and will soon be going on tour with public screenings. Though the site calls for supporters to “Host A Screening!”, apparently only one is scheduled so far, on November 6 in Illinois.

“People are starting to wake up to the damaging effects of a government controlled education monopoly,” says one of the directors, Colin Gunn, in the press release. Gunn was born in Scotland and now lives in Texas, and was himself homeschooled.

From the Christian Post:

The film follows Gunn and his family as they take a three-week road trip in a 1988 Chevy school bus to visit sites that pertain to education in America. It addresses the philosophy, history and practicality of the public education system, Gunn said, and shows a side of the system the media and schools don’t show.

“The bus became a symbol for the public school system, partly because it broke down so frequently,” Gunn told The Christian Post. “Our philosophy of the public school system is it is something that can’t be fixed. It is something that Christians need to walk away from.”

“We believe that education should be fundamentally Christian and biblical from the start,” he said. “There’s no neutrality in education. It is either for Christ or against him.”

The preview ominously tells us that “90% of Christian parents send their children to public school. Many church leaders approve. Others are concerned.” It adds: “We are losing the culture war of the worldviews.”


IndoctriNation Trailer from IndoctriNation on Vimeo.

The movie is put out by Gunn Productions, which has also produced such gems as “The Monstrous Regiment of Women”, which through “a consistently Christian perspective, [shows] how feminism has had a devastating impact on the church, state, and family.” Also on the credits list: “Shaky Town,” a documentary about the “history of Christian persecution” that includes “real video footage of Christian churches in San Francisco being attacked by violent groups of homosexuals. So be warned, this movie is not for the faint-hearted!”

Ted Baehr, movie critic and Chairman of the Christian Film and Television Commission, is a fan of Gunn Productions’ latest venture: “This is the most important issue facing the Body of Christ, an issue that must be addressed and put to rest forever. IndoctriNation is an extremely important movie. Every church in America should show IndoctriNation. Every Christian should show IndoctriNation to their friends.”

Via Right Wing Watch.

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