GOP Rep Launches Terror News YouTube Series, Warns Of Muslim Brotherhood Plot

Rep. Sue Myrick (R-NC)
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Fed up with the mainstream media filter, Rep. Sue Myrick (R-NC) is taking her quest to inform Americans about the threat of jihad to the Internet — namely, YouTube — in a new weekly terror news video series that will be featured on her congressional Web site.

The first two episodes — “Beyond Terrorism -The Whole Story” and “Fort Hood – What You’re Not Hearing” — are presented in a news magazine format, with Myrick speaking in front of a grey screen, flanked by an American flag and a plant. In the Fort Hood episode, Myrick “interviews” authors like Walid Phares of the conservative Foundation for Defense of Democracies (while she asks them direct questions, Myrick does not seem to actually be in the room with her interlocutors).

“There is a lot of radicalization on the Internet today; there is radicalization in the mosques; there are people who have been indoctrinated into the same line of thinking that are now in positions in our government,” Myrick says in the “Beyond Terrorism” episode (posted below). “All of this is tied together. And we want to bring this to you over a period of time, so you can be educated.”

A member of the House intelligence committee, Myrick first caught TPMmuckraker’s eye last October, when she launched a campaign to root out Muslim intern spies who allegedly infiltrated national security committees in Congress. That project was based on revelations from the book Muslim Mafia, whose foreword was penned by Myrick. She later declined to reject the call of the book’s co-author for a “backlash” against Muslims in the wake of the Fort Hood shootings.

It looks like the new video series could get much more interesting in the coming weeks. In an interview with Politics Daily, Myrick promised that a future episode will reveal “‘the rest of the story’ — including a plan by the Muslim Brotherhood, an Egypt-based Islamist group,” according to the news site. She said that the plan came out in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas funding trial.

Myrick is probably talking about a 1991 document from the trial that has since become a favorite subject of right-wing terrorism analysts. Reportedly a memo written by a “North American operative” of the Muslim Brotherhood, the document refers to a “Civilization-Jihadist” process with the goal of “eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within.”

In the first episode of the new series, Myrick slams the media for falling down on the job. The attack on Western civilization “is something that nobody ever tells you, you don’t hear about,” she says. “Sure there are people on television periodically who are experts do a good job — the Steve Emersons and Walid Phareses of the world — but that is not the whole story. ”

In the Fort Hood episode, there’s even footage of an anonymous “former FBI agent” talking about Major Hasan.

Myrick also recommends that viewers read several books on the threat of jihad, including They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It by Brigitte Gabriel of the American Congress For Truth (last seen on the Washington Times‘ “Cruise for America!”) as well as Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives have Penetrated Washington by Paul Sperry, who also co-authored Muslim Mafia.

Myrick concludes the first episode: “Visit our Web site on a regular basis because we’re going to be posting a lot of new information, and it will be valuable to you, and you can share it with your friends and neighbors so they can be educated as well. Because if the American people don’t know what’s going on, we might as well hang it up.”

Here’s the first episode:

And here’s the second:

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