Fake Charity Scammer And GOP Donor ‘Bobby Thompson’ Indicted

"Bobby Thompson" and George W. Bush
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The Ohio attorney general’s office announced this month that a grand jury had indicted an alleged charity scammer, who donated tens of thousands to conservative pols, on charges of money laundering and grand theft.

The man, known as “Bobby Thompson,” allegedly operated a charity called U.S. Navy Veterans Association from 2003 to 2010. The charity took in millions, and Thompson allegedly pocketed some 90 percent of the cash.

He used some of the money to make huge donations to conservative political candidates, including $55,000 to Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli and $10,000 to Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN). Both have given the donations away to (presumably real) charities, and there’s no indication they knew the money was coming from a scammer.

He also liked to go to fundraisers and meet and greets, where he could shake hands and pose with Republican elites.

[TPM GALLERY: Bobby Thompson and Friends]

Thompson is not his real name. He’s also alleged to be an identity thief, and his true identify and whereabouts are not known.

He was indicted Oct. 13 along with Blanca Contreras, who was an officer in his charity. She was arrested in North Carolina on Oct. 15.

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