Oregon Militiamen Destroy Fence At Wildlife Refuge

Ammon Bundy, center, one of the sons of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, walks off after speaking with reporters during a news conference at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters Monday, Jan. 4, 2016, near Burns,... Ammon Bundy, center, one of the sons of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, walks off after speaking with reporters during a news conference at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters Monday, Jan. 4, 2016, near Burns, Ore. Bundy, who was involved in a 2014 standoff with the government over grazing rights told reporters on Monday that two local ranchers who face long prison sentences for setting fire to land have been treated unfairly. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer) MORE LESS
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A group of militiamen tore down a federal fence Monday, which they said obstructed a local ranching family from grazing their cattle.

The move was the most aggressive yet since the men stormed the Malheur Wildlife Refuge outside of Burns, Oregon, on Jan. 2.

According to the Oregonian, the men used the Fish and Wildlife’s own tools including an excavator to take down the fence, which was just erected last year after the refuge received a $100,000 grant.

The effort–like the standoff itself– was led in part by Ammon Bundy who ripped down the barbed wire “with only his bare hands,” the Oregonian wrote.

The occupation has been mostly quiet up to this point. The armed men have threatened to stay at the property until the federal government releases Dwight and Steven Hammond, two local ranchers who were convicted for arson on federal lands and are currently serving their sentences.

Tearing apart a federal fence takes the standoff to a new level. Bundy told reporters that a local family actually showed the militiamen where to destroy the fence so they could graze their 600 cattle in the area. (It appears to be a different family than the Hammonds, whose land adjoins the refuge, but the other family was not named.)

“This will help them out, being able to run their ranch like they have in the past,” Bundy told the Oregonian.

The Fish and Wildlife Service issued a statement blasting the ranchers’ actions and warned it could result in additional legal action against the men at the refuge.

“If they take down the fences, it hurts the refuge, but it also destroys the positive conservation impacts reaped from decades of direct collaboration and sweat equity paid by the Harney County (and surrounding) communities, ranchers, landowners, partners and friends,” Fish and Wildlife said, according to the Oregonian.

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Notable Replies

  1. Right ---- Turn cattle out into critical habitat — That’s like turning a bunch of bozos loose on public lands — Theodore R. did more for the people of this country w/ his little finger than these f.,cks will ever do in their lives —

    And the charges just keep mounting — I think something will begin to happen this week — Blatant destruction of public property could be the catalyst —

  2. Avatar for mh26 mh26 says:

    Here’s where it gets tricky–the government can’t ignore this. They’re daring a response. These guys think land stolen from Native Americans is their “god-given” right. What would they do if armed Native Americans came to take it back?

    Note that their leader dresses like a regular guy, so they have a non-paramilitary face to show.

    Give them an inch, they’ll take a mile. At some point, they need to be stopped.

  3. It’s time to establish a no fly zone and clean this shit up. No media, no negotiation. Simply move in. We’ve got to treat domestic terrorists the same as their foreign counterparts.

  4. Avatar for enon enon says:

    whoever the hell has been in charge of the federal response, needs to be replaced. the inaction by the feds has only emboldened these assholes; and you can be sure there are others watching very closely and just waiting for their moment, not to mention those on their way to join up.
    and in the meantime, the rest of us watching and knowing how the response would be 180 different if it was native or minority americans are getting really pissed off at the duplicity.

  5. So, now since these guys have destroyed my/our property, does that give me a right to go there with my gun and shoot them for destruction of personal property? Including the rancher(s) since they aided and abetted destruction of my/our property? Or does the whole freaky “guns are the answer to everything” meme apply to Republicans only? They are so confusing.

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