Two Members Of Congress Flew To Kabul And No One’s Impressed

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - AUGUST 03: Democratic presidential candidate and U.S. Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) speaks during the 2020 Public Service Forum hosted by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employe... LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - AUGUST 03: Democratic presidential candidate and U.S. Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) speaks during the 2020 Public Service Forum hosted by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) at UNLV on August 3, 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Nineteen of the 24 candidates running for the Democratic party's 2020 presidential nomination are addressing union members in a state with one of the largest organized labor populations in the United States. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images) MORE LESS
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A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things.

Great Timing, Guys

Two members of Congress went on a junket to Kabul right in the middle of the massive airlift to rescue Americans and Afghans from the Taliban takeover.

  • The guilty reps are Seth Moulton (D-MA) and Peter Meijer (R-MI).
  • Military and State Department officials were livid, according to the Washington Post.
    • A diplomat lambasted the trip as “one of the most irresponsible things I’ve heard a lawmaker do,” and a senior official said it was “as moronic as it is selfish.”
  • House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) didn’t seem to care for the stunt either, reminding members that State and Defense Department officials have asked them not to travel to the region now. 
    • “Member travel to Afghanistan and the surrounding countries would unnecessarily divert needed resources from the priority mission of safely and expeditiously evacuating America [sic] and Afghans at risk from Afghanistan,” she wrote in a letter.
  • Moulton and Meijer insisted that they went there to “to gather information, not to grandstand,” and that they hadn’t taken up room in a plane that actual refugees needed.
    • “We left on a plane with empty seats, seated in crew-only seats to ensure that nobody who needed a seat would lose one because of our presence,” they said.
  • Let the dunking begin:

Biden Sticks To His Afghanistan Withdrawal Timeline

The President won’t be extending his Aug. 31 deadline despite pressure from some lawmakers and officials, saying in a speech yesterday that he was “determined to complete our mission.”

  • Whether Biden ultimately decides to extend the deadline “depends on the Taliban continuing to cooperate and allow access to the airport to those who are transporting out and no disruptions to our operation,” he said.

The House Passes The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

The effort to revive key elements of the Voting Rights Act passed 219-212, with no Republican support.

  • Among other things, the bill would require jurisdictions with a history of racial discrimination to receive federal approval before implementing new voting laws (also known as “preclearance”).
  • The bill attempts to counter the Supreme Court’s gutting of the Voting Rights Act in the 2013 Shelby case.
  • The legislation is almost certainly doomed in the Senate without changes to the filibuster rule. The only GOP senator who supports it is Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK).

Yet Another Insurrectionist-White Nationalist Crossover

The Jan. 6 insurrectionist who is accused of stealing a laptop from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) office during the attack allegedly participated in a neo-Nazi chat room, an investigation by Vice found.

SCOTUS Upholds One Of Trump’s Worst Anti-Immigration Policies

The Supreme Court ordered the Biden administration to comply with a lower court’s ruling to reinstate Trump’s infamous “Remain in Mexico” policy.

Get The Damn Shot

Hospitalization rates for people who weren’t vaccinated for COVID-19 were 29 times higher than for the vaccinated in Los Angeles County in July, according to a new study by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.

An Actual Voter Fraudster’s Reckoning

GOP operative McRae Dowless, who masterminded an absentee ballot fraud scheme in a 2018 North Carolina congressional election, will be sentenced today after pleading guilty to federal Social Security fraud charges.

  • Dowless still faces separate state criminal charges for allegedly ordering his assistants to collect incomplete ballots and fill them out during the 2018 election in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District.

A Ghost Pleads Guilty

A former Florida Senate candidate who ran as a “ghost” candidate in a Republican’s plot to siphon votes from a Democratic rival with the same last name pleaded guilty to election law violations.

And The Award Doesn’t Go To…..

Remember when then-New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo won an International Emmy for, uh, holding press conferences last year? Well, now he has to kiss that little statue goodbye after resigning in disgrace.

  • The International Academy announced that it was “rescinding” the award, and that Cuomo’s “name and any reference to his receiving the award will be eliminated from International Academy materials going forward.”
  • In case you forgot, they gave Cuomo the Emmy last November “in recognition of his leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic and his masterful use of television to inform and calm people around the world.”

Having A Normal One

Andrew Giuliani, the son of ex-Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, is out here doing … this:

Did anyone else forget that Giuliani’s running for New York governor? And that he’s a member of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum board of trustees?

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Notable Replies

  1. Flight to Kabul?

    Should have been Gaetz and MTG.

    One way. They’d blend right in with the Taliban, at least politically.

  2. Avatar for tsp tsp says:

  3. Avatar for jpc jpc says:

    Representative Moulton is attempting to re-brand himself, first in MA, and then in the rest of the country for a bigger role that he feels is due him. He blew it a couple of years ago and is attempting to re-establish his credentials as a player. For a bit of background:


    and how could we forget this decision of his:

    I will state that I am thrilled that House Speaker Pelosi is in charge and not someone else - she has shown and continues to show the correct instinct and touch to her job, and this country has and will benefit. Her job still has a long way to go this term, and I expect much political Kabuki Theater before her efforts will conclude, but I do rest easier knowing she is in charge.

    Sorry, but Moulton’s stunt took time and effort from those in Kabul to protect him when it would have been better spent on other more pressing issues. He could have made his points from Washington but chose not to do so. I was a supporter of his when he first entered politics, but my recommendation now is do useful things first before running for the Senate or Presidency. I’m not impressed by his theatrics, but they play well in the press these days, so off he goes. Time for him to mature as a leader if he wishes to have a meaningful political future.

  4. Moulton is a fucking moron (Massachusetts boy here). He’s the same dipshit who thought he could mount a leadership challenge against Madame Speaker.

  5. Afghanistan, looking for a president?
    “Yes, Donnie, they’d love to talk to you. In person, in Kabul.”

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