Ferguson-Area Police Officer Suspended After ‘Killer’ Rant Surfaces Online

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A St. Louis County police officer who had worked on crowd control in Ferguson, Mo., has been suspended after an online rant surfaced in which he disparaged a variety of groups, from LGBT people to Muslims to victims of domestic violence.

The officer, Dan Page, a 35-year veteran, also described himself as “a killer,” according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. CNN reported that the video appeared to have been taken in April at an event for Oath Keepers, the right-wing law enforcement group that is aligned with the Patriot movement.

“I’m into diversity. I kill everybody, I don’t care,” Page said, per the Post-Dispatch. He also referred to President Barack Obama as an “undocumented president” and warned the audience that the government wanted to place their children in indoctrination camps.

“I personally believe in Jesus Christ as my lord savior, but I’m also a killer. I’ve killed a lot. And if I need to, I’ll kill a whole bunch more,” Page said. “If you don’t want to get killed, don’t show up in front of me, it’s that simple. I have no problem with it. God did not raise me to be a coward.”

Those comments in particular disturbed St. Louis County police chief Jon Belmar, he told the newspaper.

“With the comments on killing, that was obviously something that deeply disturbed me immediately,” Belmar said.

Page also had some choice words for victims of domestic violence (“Don’t be wasting cops’ time. Just shoot each other and get it over with”) and Muslims (“Passive until they gain parity with you or they exceed you in numbers and they will kill you”) and LGBT people (describing their lifestyle as “sodomy”).

He also expressed disdain for hate crime legislation.

“We have no business passing hate crime laws,” he said, “because we’re setting aside a group of people special.”

The full one-hour video, via the Post-Dispatch, is below.

Image via YouTube.

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Notable Replies

  1. “I’m into diversity. I kill everybody, I don’t care,”

    These are the words of a Vietnam Veteran who never got over the fact that he spent the war killing staples at a desk in Saigon.

  2. This is a good portrait of the cancer gripping the law enforcement community. Gun nuts, religious bigots, sexist and racist males.

    Instead of donning KKK white sheets they operate with a uniform and badge.

  3. This reminds me of that post Josh put on the front page about the Obama supporter who was shocked-shocked I tell you!- that we are not in a post-racial society. I don’t think Josh knows the age of the person who posted it but they have to be under 30. What naivete.

    This “cop” is the kinder, gentler version of a jihadist.

  4. Avatar for fess fess says:

    Perhaps St. Louis County needs to take a look at some of their cold cases, especially those involving domestic violence victims, Muslims, LGBT, and black people.

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