Top NC Senate GOPer Wants To Put Anti-LGBT Law On November Ballot

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North Carolina state Sen. Tom Apodaca (R), the state Senate Rules chairman, said on Tuesday that he’s considering placing the bathroom provision in the new anti-LGBT law on the ballot in November.

“If it were up to me, I’d just put it out to a vote of the people. Let them decide what they want to do. And I floated that idea,” he told North Carolina television station WLOS. “Let’s put it on the ballot and get it over with once and for all. If the majority wants this, fine. If they don’t, fine.”

Apodaca said that his staff is looking into a constitutional referendum on the question of whether transgender people should be able to use the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity. Voters would be able to affirm or nix that portion of the new law in November.

Republican leaders in the North Carolina legislature have said that they are not willing to consider repealing the new law, which also eliminates local ordinances that provide anti-discrimination protections for gay and transgender people and removes the ability for employees to sue in state court if they believe their firing was discriminatory.

Notable Replies

  1. Honestly, if it wouldn’t end up being a big pile of special interest money dictating the election with misleading ads, I’d be ok for this. If the majority of NCers voted for it, at least you’d argue it was in fact the will of the voters. It would have consequences, but at least citizens would have had their say. If it was shot down, then the elected officials would have to abide by it for same reason.

  2. I floated

    Huh…He looks like a sinker to me.

  3. So, Senator Apo-caca floated an idea having to do with bathrooms. Sometimes my “ideas” float, too.

  4. Now that is an image of a man consumed with fear.

  5. But you know the GOP-ers would not live with it. They would interpret a NO vote as meaning they had not gone far enough, and write a tougher law.

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