O’Malley Calls GOP Ideas On Inequality ‘Patently Bullshit’—And Fundraises Off It

Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley speaks with reporters in his office inside the Maryland State House in Annapolis, Md., Monday, April 7, 2014, the final day of the 2014 legislative session. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
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Martin O’Malley is exploring an innovative tactic in seeking to establish himself as the progressive alternative to Hillary Clinton: cursing at Republican ideas.

The potential Democratic presidential candidate appeared in an NPR interview over the weekend and declared that claims by Republicans that government regulations worsen income inequality were “patently bullshit.”

“Our tax code’s been turned into Swiss cheese and certainly the concentrated wealth and the accumulated power and the systematic deregulation of Wall Street has led to this situation where the economy isn’t working for most of us. All of that is true. But it is not true that regulation holds poor people down or regulation keeps the middle class from advancing. That’s kind of patently bullshit,” he said.

On Monday he doubled down in a fundraising email titled, “Yeah, I said it.” The email linked to the NPR interview. “So stand with me and tell Republicans to cut the bull,” he wrote, before asking for a donation.

In one example of what O’Malley was referring to, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) told CBS’ 60 Minutes in January that “frankly, the president’s policies have made income inequality worse. All the regulations that are coming out of Washington make it more difficult for employers to hire more people.”

O’Malley, a former governor of Maryland, appears interested in a run but he’s struggling in early Democratic primary polls, garnering between 0 and 3 percent over the last month. (Clinton is towering over the field, pulling between the mid 50s and high 60s.) He has said he’ll decide in May.

Notable Replies

  1. I want to see him call out the GOP heavily. How about “If tax cuts generate jobs, why does Louisiana and Mississippi have such abysmal employment records?”

  2. True. And the Democrats should be using them as BIG examples of the “utopia” the GOP wants…this is your “Shining City on the Hill” folks…a state so bankrupt they can’t even repair the roads and have to shutter their schools early.

  3. The Democratic Party really needs a real primary in order to winnow the idiots out of the winner’s campaign and generate a second pool of talent for the winner to poach. Hillary really needs a real primary, both to winnow the idiots and because it will give the asshats something to do besides sniff sheets and try to find new and more creative ways to cast innocent conduct in a sinister light. And whatever you think of his chances of winning it’s for sure that O’Malley can’t win without a real primary.

    Somebody give the man some damn money and let’s get on with it.

  4. Good for him. I still support Hillary 100 percent, but he is trying. I just can’t get over Maryland having a republican governor, and why did that happen. One of my sons live in Maryland and think that Brown did not get enough support from O’Malley when campaigning. Maybe O’Malley did campaign hard and it is what it is. I don’t know. I just can’t get past it.

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