Fox News host Andrea Tantaros blamed liberal academics during a discussion on Monday’s “Outnumbered” for a school district’s decision to eliminate religious holidays to make up for extra snow days.
Tantaros’ comments were fueled by an Easton, Mass. school district that had to extend its school year to June 29 because of how much snow the Boston area received this year. In preparation for next year, the district chose to get rid of two Jewish holidays and a Christian holiday so the school year wouldn’t have to be extended.
Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI), who appeared as the show’s “One Lucky Guy,” helped Tantaros reach her conclusion by being the first to criticize liberals who, he said, were using the record snowfall to their advantage.
“Don’t let any good crisis go to waste, and if you want to take religion out of the public square, look at Boston, look at all the snow and say, ‘What a great reason. Now we can take these religious holidays out of our school system,'” Duffy said. “It’s using the crisis to the liberal benefit.”
Tantaros agreed with Duffy’s assessment.
“I think the congressman hit the nail on the head,” she said. “This is what happens when liberal academic Boston meets ethnic Boston and I would love to be a fly on the wall at that parent teacher meeting listening to them go off about this.”
“Take away from Presidents Day or go a little earlier in the summer or maybe even a Saturday,” Tantaros continued. “There’s other options but they don’t want those options. They would rather take away the religious holidays.”
“And by the way, New Year’s Eve is not a religious holiday, so if they wanted to shorten even that up, now again it may disturb vacation but if that’s the option then you don’t have to touch a religious holiday,” co-host Harris Faulkner said.
Watch the video below, courtesy of Raw Story:
So dreaming of a White Christmas means you are at war with Christmas?
I have a simple, straightforward and considering the target clear two word rebuttal for Ms. Tantaros…
Andrea thinks school should go into July if need be. Anything to avoid:
“Lousy teachers! Sticking us with our kids!” - Homer Simpson.
Is there a more bubbling cauldron of hate than the cess pool that is Andrea Tantaros?