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The debate starts at 9:00 pm E.T. and will run for 90 minutes.
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The debate starts at 9:00 pm E.T. and will run for 90 minutes.
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ETA: Stay Blissful, my friends…
Okay Marge, so either your Fearless Leader is a complete idiot for agreeing to the debate, or it’s not as horrible as you’re claiming. Which is it?
As some of you may recall from 2020, I amuse myself during these things by sardonically live-blogging them down here in the comments. I’m planning to do that for tonight’s insanity. I’ll try to keep up with the debate in real time with new posts every 10-15 minutes or so. I plan to string them all together in a single thread, for ease of following along for anyone who wants to.
And yes, there will be discussion of just how many of his gills trump is coked up to. Bonus points for Joe if he comments that trump looks like he’s been in Hunter’s old stash.
“Donald Trump is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.”
Finally made it in.
I know big upgrades are a hassle for a small organization, but TPM really needs to sort out their new commenting system so all the non-editor blog threads have a functional comments section that work from the outset.