5 Points On Harry Reid’s Unusual Plot To Force A Vote On Loretta Lynch

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nev. pauses during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, April 14, 2015, following a Senate policy luncheon. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
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WASHINGTON — Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) is threatening to do something that no Senate minority leader in modern history has attempted: bypass the majority party and force a vote on a high-profile nomination.

That would be Loretta Lynch, President Barack Obama’s attorney general nominee who has been twisting in the wind for five months, not because she faces united Senate GOP opposition per se but because her nomination has been caught up in an unrelated fight over abortion and human trafficking.

Reid’s daring and seemingly unprecedented move may succeed in shining a spotlight on GOP senators who support Lynch’s confirmation but are willing to go along with Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in holding up the vote. But the gambit appears unlikely to succeed in securing Lynch’s quick confirmation.

Here’s what’s going on.

Reid claims he’ll force a vote if Republicans don’t act.

“Absolutely we can force votes. If we don’t get something done soon I will force a vote,” he told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Thursday night. “I had a conversation today with a number of Republicans and told them really to get her done or I will make sure they will have an opportunity to vote against her.”

In other words, Reid is threatening to effectively seize the reins from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on the issue.

Here’s how Reid’s gambit would work.

Senate rules allow any member, when recognized on the floor, to make a motion to proceed to a nomination on the calendar. By tradition this is a prerogative of the majority leader, who enjoys the right of first recognition, but ordinary senators are not prohibited from trying. It just never happens.

So let’s say Reid tries. The next thing that would happen is that Republicans would object, and Reid would need 51 votes to override their objection and move forward. This is where his plan is likely to fail.

Five Republicans back Lynch, but are loyal to McConnell.

Assume all 46 Democratic members unite, Reid will need the support of at least four Republican senators to proceed to the executive session. The problem here is that the five Republicans who support Lynch — Sens. Jeff Flake (AZ), Orrin Hatch (UT), Lindsey Graham (SC), Susan Collins (ME) and Mark Kirk (IL) — have been loyal to McConnell on procedural matters. All have stood by him as he has delayed a vote on the nomination, and it’s extremely unlikely they’ll support Reid in a procedural move designed to undercut McConnell.

A Senate Republican leadership aide categorically said Reid’s move “would fail” and added: “He cannot force a vote on Lynch. It’s that simple.”

If Reid somehow cobbles together the majority needed to proceed to executive session, then he can file “cloture” on the nomination if 16 other senators sign his petition — they can all be Democrats. At that point, there would be a vote to proceed to the nomination, followed by a maximum of 30 hours of debate, and then a final vote on the nomination — both would require a simple majority.

“Democrats will frame those procedural votes as a test of the GOP’s willingness to confirm the first female African-American AG. That will put those GOP [senators who support Lynch] in a tough spot — precisely where Reid and Democrats probably want to put them,” said Sarah Binder, a Senate expert and George Washington University professor.

Reid’s gambit appears to be unprecedented.

Neither Reid’s office nor outside Senate experts could point to a modern precedent for such a move. The right of the majority leader to control votes has been unchallenged for generations.

“[T]he delay on Lynch is unprecedented,” said Adam Jentleson, Reid’s spokesman.

“I have never heard of this being attempted before,” said Norm Ornstein, a congressional scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. “It makes you wonder what’s going on in Harry’s mind right now in doing a prod on this issue. Unless it’s simply to register a strong political point.”

McConnell says he’ll bring up Lynch after the Senate passes an anti-sex-trafficking bill.

But it’s unclear when — or if — that’ll happen. The legislation stalled one month ago due to anti-abortion language that Democrats said they discovered while it was on the floor. Since then sparks have flown and offers have been traded, but the parties remain divided over whether trafficking victims should face restrictions on the use of money collected from perpetrators to get an abortion.

McConnell has used the Lynch nomination as a bargaining chip, but Democrats insist the issues are unrelated and that she deserves a vote regardless.

McConnell “has already announced that the Lynch nomination will get a vote,” said Don Stewart, his deputy chief of staff. “Members are continuing to work to find a way to overcome the Democrats’ filibuster of a bipartisan bill that will help prevent women and children from being sold into sex slavery. Once that bill’s complete, the Lynch nomination is next.”

If and when Lynch does come up, she appears to have at least 51 votes to be confirmed.

Latest Five Points

Notable Replies

  1. Good reporting. Maybe a Hail Mary, but worth it. I think the thing to keep in mind is that this will not only become a huge Civil Rights issue, but also a “Women’s Reproductive Rights” issue. It will unite a big part of the Democratic base on issues that they are not likely to forget about in 2016-- not least because Hillary won’t let them. So, as to the vote count, Kirk is likely to go with Reid, because he will be toast in Illinois if he doesn’t-- might be anyway, because Tammy Duckworth will be an exceptionally strong opponent for him. But, I can see Jeff Flake, as well, who is already bucking Republican orthodoxy on a variety of issues and senses the Arizona political landscape shifting. I think there are also several female Republican Senators who will feel the heat on this issue and will urge McConnell to figure out a way to get rid of the issue, if Harry turns up the heat in the kitchen!

  2. From your lips to Mitch’s ear!

  3. Avatar for mymy mymy says:

    Apparently the Republicans do NOT want to vote for a black woman as attorney general. Sure, they have Eric Holder, a black man, now, but that was when the Senate was held by Democrats, right?

    How could they EVER explain to their constituents that they voted FOR a black woman to be the highest law enforcement officer in the land? their base would never forgive them.

    So they are trying to mask it with other things… I have the feeling they will NEVER vote for Lynch ever.

  4. My money is on Harry Reid making The Turtle and his co-conspirators look bad. Even GOP senators think Reid is more effective than The Turtle.

  5. Avatar for tsp tsp says:

    They had no problem voting for Condi Rice. Different office, but also black, and also female. I think they’re just afraid of a new and different perspective being applied to the law. Estrogen is a very scary thing to Republicans! Testosterone in control of our legal system must be preserved!

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