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Today On The Trail: February 7, 2012

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Today are the Colorado and Minnesota caucuses and Missouri’s “beauty contest” primary. Tune in to TPM Tuesday evening for real-time results and updates. Until then, here are ten things you need to know.

  • Poll shows Santorum could pick up first win(s) since Iowa: A new survey from Public Policy Polling predicts that Rick Santorum could have a very good day in Missouri and Minnesota and a second-place finish in Colorado. In the first two states, he leads among the key groups — evangelicals, the very conservative, and Tea Partiers — that Romney wants to prove he can win.
  • Obama campaign embraces super PACs: The Obama campaign announced in an email from campaign manager Jim Messina that they will begin encouraging unlimited donations to pro-Democratic super PACS like Priorities USA Action. They explain that while they don’t like unlimited donations, Republicans are raising too much money for Democrats not to do the same: “With so much at stake, we can’t allow for two sets of rules in this election whereby the Republican nominee is the beneficiary of unlimited spending and Democrats unilaterally disarm,” Messina wrote.
  • Obama camp refunds $200,000 in campaign donations: The Obama campaign has returned more than $200,000 in campaign contributions from the family of a Mexican casino magnate. They began donating to Obama’s campaign at the same time they were seeking a state pardon for their brother who fled the country on drug and fraud charges, according to a report by the New York Times.
  • Erickson doesn’t endorse after all: Conservative blogger Erick Erickson promised to endorse a candidate Monday night, but in the end said he is so dissatisfied with each that he threw up his hands and continued to pray for a brokered convention.
  • RNC attacks Obama as out of touch: The RNC has a new video up attacking President Obama for going to a fashion show fundraiser in New York during a recession. The video contrasts luxury items sold at the event to raise money to the fact that 12 million people are out of work.
  • Romney piles on criticism of Obama’s contraception decision: Mitt Romney is adding on to what Gingrich has been calling Obama’s ‘war on religion.’ On the stump in Colorado Monday, Romney said the administration’s decision to require religious organizations to cover contraception in employees’ health care plans violated the First Amendment and the ‘conscience rights’ of religious Americans.
  • No delegates immediately awarded after Tuesday’s contests: Although there are two caucuses and one primary Tuesday night, no candidate will be able to put more delegates into their column right away. Missouri’s primary is a “beauty contest,” meaning no delegates are at stake, and will be awarded with caucuses in March; and like all caucuses, the delegates for Colorado and Minnesota will be awarded at state conventions later in the spring. Right now, according to Associated Press figures, Romney has 101 delegates, Gingrich has 32, Santorum has 17, and Paul has 9. 1144 are needed to secure the nomination.
  • Gingrich campaigns in Super Tuesday state of Ohio: Newt Gingrich is likely in for a rough night in Tuesday’s contests. So, in keeping with recent statements that he is looking forward to Super Tuesday, Gingrich will spend the day campaigning in one of those states, holding three events across Ohio. To drive home the point, the Gingrich campaign sent around an article Monday titled “Why Tomorrow’s Missouri Republican Primary Won’t Even Count.”
  • Santorum will watch election results from Missouri: Rick Santorum will be in Colorado and Minnesota campaigning Tuesday before settling in at his primary night watch party in St. Charles, Missouri. He spends all of the next day at events in Texas.
  • Mitt Romney is sticking to Colorado: Of Tuesday’s three contests, Mitt Romney will spend the day in the state where he has a commanding lead: Colorado. Romney will wrap up the night in Denver where he’s most likely to be able to make a victory speech.
Latest Election 2012
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