Karl Rove has emerged once again to proclaim a GOP candidate dead in the water.
“If you look at the polls, in fact, there’s a hint that sometime between October 6th and October 10th, Cain peaked and had begun to slide slightly since then,” Rove told Fox News on Monday.”
Cain is just the latest Republican candidate to feel the wrath of Rove.
In the past he has called Rick Perry “toxic” and pointed out that Sarah Palin “doesn’t think the rules apply to her.”
In just over a minute, Rove laid out six “misstatements” that Cain has made in recent days on topics including abortion, the right of return, the definition of neoconservative, and several botched answers about his tax plan.
For instance, “he had a rather odd answer on Afghan policy; basically ‘I’ll figure it out when I get into office,'” Rove said.
“The whole effect of this is not to create an image of him, I think, being a flip flopper,” Rove said. “It’s to create an image of him not being up to this task.”
“That’s really deadly for a presidential candidate,” Rove warned.