We’re well aware, at this point, that the House Republican strategy for opposing the Waxman-Markey climate change bill is to make the legislative process take a very, very long time. That means heaps and heaps of irrelevant amendments, written by congressmen who warn of “Global Warming Gestapo.” But so far they have eschewed a maneuver that would force the Democrats to read the bill aloud. All 900-plus pages of it.
In case the GOP decides to change course, though, Energy and Commerce Committee Democrats are prepared. With a speed reader.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the new temp thinks he can plow through about one page every 34 seconds–a pretty impressive clip considering the nature of the reading material. And it means the entire stunt would only last about nine hours–significantly less than it would take if the committee’s clerks were forced to do the job.
Ladies and gentlemen, your United States Congress.