A fiery Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) claimed that women are as worried about false accusations of sexual assault being levied against their sons as of sexual assault itself.
“Women give birth to boys as well, and they worry as much about false accusations or show trials like the Democrats put on as they worry about the very serious crime of sexual assault,” Cotton said after taking a swipe at the press, calling a female reporter “the media wing of the Democratic Party” for asking about potential political fallout for the GOP if they confirm Kavanaugh.
When TPM pressed him about those remarks, asking if he thought false accusations were as common as true ones, the fierce Trump ally stood firm.
“It certainly happens. Look at the Duke lacrosse team. Look at the UVA fraternity,” he said.
An recent academic study of FBI data on rape accusations found that just 5 percent of reported rapes are deemed false or baseless.
/insert angry statement about his lying ass here.
Cotton fancies himself a mind reader now?
Keen insight into the female psyche. Fucker.
Cotton and Graham need a padded room together!
I’m sure if Dr. Ford was a victim of say an MS-13 member or an undocumented immigrant Senator Cotton and Trump would have a far different response.