Five Important Ways Ted Cruz Will Drive The GOP 2016 Field To The Right

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas speaks at Liberty University, founded by the late Rev. Jerry Falwell, Monday, March 23, 2015 in Lynchburg, Va., to announce his campaign for president. Cruz, who announced his candidacy on twit... Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas speaks at Liberty University, founded by the late Rev. Jerry Falwell, Monday, March 23, 2015 in Lynchburg, Va., to announce his campaign for president. Cruz, who announced his candidacy on twitter in the early morning hours, is the first major candidate in the 2016 race for president. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) MORE LESS
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LYNCHBURG, Va. — Ted Cruz’s widely anticipated announcement here on Monday that he’ll run for president is guaranteed to spook his fellow Republican hopefuls.

Not because he’s necessarily better positioned to win the 2016 nomination than others such as Jeb Bush and Scott Walker. Rather, he has a unique appeal to the hard-core conservative base that produces ample votes in GOP primaries, and he has a knack for portraying solidly conservative Republicans as establishment hacks and squishes.

Where Cruz stands out is not his ideological principles — he shares common beliefs with many of his rivals — but his scorched-earth tactics in service of those principles, and his proclivity for painting fellow Republicans with tactical disagreements as capitulators.

Here are five issues that Cruz emphasized in his kickoff speech to a crowd of thousands at the evangelical Liberty University, all of which could drive a scare into his Republican adversaries, who may feel compelled to tilt rightward to fend him off.

1. REPEAL Every Word Of Obamacare!

If there’s one position that Cruz is guaranteed to obsess about, it’s wiping Obamacare off the books completely. “Imagine in 2017,” he told the crowd, “a new president signing legislation repealing every word of Obamacare.” The cheers were deafening.

Cruz proved his influence and rose to national fame — or notoriety — by goading congressional Republican leaders into the government shutdown of 2013 by insisting Democrats would cave if the GOP held firm. It failed, but the senator’s other goal was achieved — he became a hero to tea party voters, even as the party’s image suffered among the broader electorate.

Unlike 2014, which produced a far more conservative electorate than is likely in 2016, the issue of Obamacare could be tricky for Republicans this time. Hillary Clinton has attacked the idea of repeal as a way to strip 16 million Americans of health care coverage and let insurers “write their own rules again.”

2. No More LAWLESSNESS On Immigration!

This is a particularly dangerous issue for Republicans in 2016, because a critical bloc of general-election voters in swing states are Hispanics who overwhelmingly support immigration reform. Here, too, Cruz has pushed scorched-earth tactics to block President Barack Obama’s executive shield for certain undocumented immigrants, such as a government shutdown and a halt to confirming nearly any nominee in the Senate.

“Instead of the lawlessness and the president’s unconstitutional executive amnesty, imagine a president that finally, finally, finally secures the borders,” he said. “And imagine a legal immigration system that welcomes and celebrates those who come to achieve the American dream.” Emphasis on legal.

While Walker and others share Cruz’s opposition to any path (though not necessarily his tactics) on immigration, Jeb Bush has been emphasizing the need to offer “legal status” to unauthorized immigrants. Will that position hold up against Cruz’s attacks on the debate stage, particularly if Bush continues to struggle with the base?


It’s not often you see thousands of college students go wild with applause over the idea of a flat tax, but that’s what happened when Cruz pushed it at Liberty University. “Imagine a simple flat tax,” he said. “that lets every American fill out his or her taxes on a postcard.” The crowd ate it up. “Imagine abolishing the IRS.” A standing ovation.

Neither of these things is remotely likely to happen — the IRS isn’t going anywhere, and a flat tax at the rates conservatives want would blow up the deficit and make the tax code much less progressive.

But again, that’s not the point. These ideas sound wonderful to the GOP base, and fellow candidates seeking to balance a conservative message with economic and political reality will feel pressure to one-up Cruz.

4. Uphold The SANCTITY Of Traditional Marriage!

The tide of American public opinion is turning rapidly in favor of marriage equality for same-sex couples, as Republican strategists acknowledge. But the conservative faithful remain opposed for largely religious reasons, and Cruz told the evangelical audience that he stands with them.

“Imagine a federal government that works to defend the sanctity of human life and to uphold the sacrament of marriage,” he said.

With the Supreme Court expected to hand down a blockbuster decision this summer that will put the issue back on the map, it’ll be very difficult for Republican candidates to choose between alienating their base or the growing national consensus.

5. REPEAL Every Word Of Common Core!

As far as hard-core conservatives are concerned, Common Core is one of those issues that symbolizes big-government intrusion at its worst, and Cruz declared his emphatic opposition to the idea — it is a swath of federal standards about what skill-sets students ought to have acquired during grade school.

“Instead of a federal government that seeks to dictate school curriculum through Common Core, imagine repealing every word of Common Core,” Cruz said to applause.

It may not be the sort of kitchen-table issue that makes or breaks a candidate, but that signifier is strong enough on the right to make GOP hopefuls worry. Need proof? Jeb Bush is being assailed for his support for Common Core while Walker has dialed back his support for the concept.

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Notable Replies

  1. 5. REPEAL Every Word Of Common Core!

    He’ll say this maybe once on a debate stage and then one of his co-conspirators will point out that CC is not a federal law. Cruz will look stupid and slink away into the dustbin of failed presidential candidates.

  2. Avatar for lew lew says:

    Drive the GOP field to the right? Seriously? If they were any more to the right they would be invading Poland.

  3. Nativist parties are now doing quite well in Europe, and it is quite reasonable for the nativist faction in the GOP to grab the ball and run with it. I don’t think Cruz will get very far, however, as the big money needs to assure that Congress and the presidency are occupied by individuals committed to ongoing accrual of capital at the narrow upper end of the wealth spectrum. Alternatively, Mr. Cruz can deliberately try to avoid the wrath of the oligarchs by staying away from economic topics, and economically related topics such as climate disruption, and stick to hooting about the Konsteetooshun, lady junk, The Kenyan Usurper, Baby Jeezus and firearms. This, sadly, does not provide a very compelling case for him as a serious candidate and suggests he may suffer from severe narcissistic injury.

  4. There may not be a debate on the ideas/policies of the Dems, since there’s generally very broad consensus on our side on what we want to do. It’s one of the real reasons Hillary’s coasting right now. It’s hard to argue a point when you’re saying the exact same things everyone on the field is saying. It’s really the window dressing we’re arguing, really.

    But the debate the Republicans are going to have will be the mudslinging fest to end all mudslinging fests! Oh, the downward spiral into pettiness, racism, misogyny, bigotry, religious intolerance, and madness will be a thoroughly entertaining show to watch!

    Once they hit rock bottom and realize exactly what they’ve done (and decided their best approach in the future is to have behind-closed-door debates so no one can see the ugliness that is inside their candidate’s souls), I will finally be able to lay off the popcorn and try to lose some of the weight gained through this about-to-start schadenfreude-rich journey.

  5. Ted Cruz won’t drive the GOP field to the Right.

    He’ll drive the GOP Clown Car off the cliff and I’m going to enjoy every second of seeing them implode!

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