Senate Dems To GOP: You’re Sure Not Acting Like You Need Us

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., chairman of the Rules Committee, speaks to reporters about the economic consequences of a debt ceiling default, during a news conference at the Capitol, Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2013. Schumer,... Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., chairman of the Rules Committee, speaks to reporters about the economic consequences of a debt ceiling default, during a news conference at the Capitol, Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2013. Schumer, the third-ranking member of the Senate Democratic leadership, on Wednesday endorsed Janet Yellen to become the next chairman of the Federal Reserve. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) MORE LESS
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If Republicans are planning to repeal Obamacare on Jan. 3 and then come looking for help from Democrats to replace it down the road, Senate Democrats have a message for them: It’s not happening.

Among leadership and rank-and-file Senate Democrats, consensus is building to stay unified and not cave to GOP pressure to help fix a health care system that Republicans could send into a tailspin with an outright repeal of President Barack Obama’s signature health care legislation at the beginning of next year.

“Our position is you guys have had seven years since March of 2010 when you said you needed something else. You’re not willing to talk about a replacement yet?” said Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA). “If they came to us and said we would like to talk to you about something, and we’ll call it replacement and you’ll call it reform, we would sit and talk, but if it starts with repeal, they’re telling us they don’t want us involved.”

Democrats said that they would be willing to sit down and hash out plans to get the Obamacare marketplace working better, but at the moment, Republicans appear to be set on a strategy that fully repeals Obamacare with a promise to replace it down the road.

“Just an across-the-board repeal without any idea of how we are going to provide health care for millions of Americans is simply irresponsible,” Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI) told TPM in an interview. “If they repeal it, it’s going to be on them.”

If Republicans are counting on incoming minority leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to be a dealmaker down the road, it doesn’t look as though that is going to happen. In his most forceful statement yet, Schumer had a message for his counterparts preparing to rip out Obamacare root and branch.

“To our Republican friends across the aisle, bring it on,” Schumer said.

McConnell announced Tuesday that the repeal would be the first order of business in January, but Republicans are still light on the details of how long the phaseout of Obamacare would take, what the fall out would be and how they plan to preserve popular aspects of the law like ensuring people with pre-existing conditions can get health care without seeing premiums skyrocket.

“It’s hard to figure out how to respond to something that is just vague as where they are right now,” said Sen. Sheldon Whitehosue (D-RI). “We’ve heard them talking about repeal and replace now for seven years and they’ve never had a replacement in seven years. I think the hard part for them is that there are elements of the bill that they know they would be crazy to try to undo.”

A major unanswered parliamentary procedure question still remains: Will Senate Republicans even need Democrats to replace key provisions of the law? Republicans can use a budget process called reconciliation to repeal Obamcare. That procedural maneuver allows them to repeal it with a simple 51-vote threshold in the Senate. But replacing the law is more complicated and it may require Democratic buy-in.

“What we are trying to figure out is what the restrictions on reconciliation,” Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) told TPM. “Does reconciliation allow for a replacement? And it may or may not.”

Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), the chairman of the HELP committee, has said he believes Democrats will need to be part of the process if Republicans are serious about a long-term reform, but several Democrats said they weren’t aware of any formal conversations happening at this point to bring them to the table.

The uncertainty is making insurers nervous.

On Tuesday, American Health Insurance Plans, a group that represents health insurers, laid out what they expected from Republicans if they move forward with their repeal plan.

Marketplaces are already unstable in some places and insurers warn that Republicans risk endangering the markets even more if they rush to repeal the ACA without a suitable transition period or plan to replace it. Among their chief concerns, insurers want to make sure that they will continue to get subsidies from the government to cover low-income individuals on the exchanges.

“The market has already been a little wobbly this year,” Marilyn Tavenner, the chief executive of America’s Health Insurance Plans told the New York Times. “If insurance companies believe cost-sharing subsidies will not continue, they are going to pull out of the market during the next logical opportunity.”

It’s complicated, but Democrats don’t have much sympathy.

“I think they’re setting a trap for themselves,” said Sen. Brian Schatz (D-HI). “I can’t understand how this either goes well for them politically or it goes well for the tens of millions of people who depend on the Affordable Care Act.”

The one wild card will be how Senate Democrats running for re-election in 2018 respond. Republicans may be counting on vulnerable Democrats to feel the heat in 2017 and 2018 and get some motivation to help them, but a leadership aide said that wasn’t likely.

“Republicans lost their safety blanket when they won the White House,” the aide said. “They shouldn’t repeal and then coming begging for help from Democrats to get out of the political mess they’ve created. They campaigned on this for three straight election cycles, its time for them to own the consequences.”

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Notable Replies

  1. Fool me once shame on you… fool me again… so the saying goes.

    The nitwits on Obamacare who voted for Trump should pay the price, and the Dems shouldn’t try to help them, let alone the killers of the GOP. The nitwits stabbed the Dems in the back on election day.

    I include among the nitwits all the third party voters and the non-voters and the resentful Bernie fools. ALL elected Trump.

    Moreover, the Dems MUST stop trying to appeal to the white trash, all of whom are guided by self-hatred, and racism, for they will always need others to blame for their life’s failure. Let them drown in their hate.

    If any of these fools ever ask me for help as they drown, I’ll gladly throw them an anchor. Ask, please, please ask! I’ll smile as you disappear.

  2. The Repubs don’t need the Dems help in order to carry out their intentions. They will have total control in a very short time and the Dems will become literal seat warmers. The Dems can pretend all they want but the new government will run the table and give the bums-rush for their entire “agenda” all by themselves. The Dems will be without power to effect or affect much of anything.

    It should be obvious that the 47% are going to get exactly what they voted for … the shitty end of the stick. Congrats Dems because you were spineless and cowardly when the ACA was created and hid instead of defending it. Therefore a large vocal segment of the citizenry believe it’s “bad” solely because there wasn’t much rebuttal to the “fake news” way back then. They will cheer as their boat sinks.

    It won’t take long after installation of our new “overlords” to see the “big picture”. Lordy, lordy we are in for a hell of a ride. At least that’s what I see in my crystal ball.

  3. Try reading before you comment. Not everything can be done through reconciliation, if you understand the idea. The GOP will in fact need the Dems.

  4. This is what happens when you (the GOP) become critics for 7 years. You forget how to draft legislation and allow people to see it. All the GOP has is their behind the scenes maneuvering fuckery. Draft a plan. Let people see it. What are you afraid of?

  5. GOP are killers in three piece suits. You give them too much credit. They want to end Medicare, and kill your grandparents. Get it?

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