Former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) is pronouncing that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the man behind the Cordoba House community center project, is a jihadist — just a not a violent one.
Appearing last night on Greta Van Susteren’s Fox News show, Santorum pointed to Rauf’s past comments about American foreign policy, when he said that the United States had more innocent Muslim blood on its hands than al-Qaeda had innocent non-Muslim blood on their hands.
“My thinking was all along if he made the statements that he made, he probably had a lot more that are going to be found out. This man is not a moderate Muslim. This is someone who believes the United States has blood on their hands, that the United States is responsible for this. He is a jihadist, he’s just not a violent jihadist. That does not make him a moderate.”
So there you have it: Being against American foreign policy means a person is a jihadist — that is, an enemy of America — even if they’re not violent about it. Question about this non-violent jihad stuff: How does one non-violently commit an act of terrorism?
(Via Media Matters)