Pro-Russia GOP Rep Pushes Months-Old Report That DNC Hack Was ‘Inside Job’

Rep. Dana Rohrabache (R-CA) in his office on Capitol Hill in Washington (AP Photo/Maria Danilova)
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Russia’s favorite congressman is claiming that a months-old report proves “the so-called hacking of the Democratic National Committee before last year’s elections could not have been done by Russians, but was instead an inside job made to look like Moscow’s handiwork.”

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), who House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) famously said was one of “two people I think Putin pays” besides President Trump, has long been Russia’s leading defender in Congress. He’s now out touting a report from retired intelligence officials released back in January, claiming it shows that Russia couldn’t have been involved.

“The findings of these specialists destroy the credibility of the charges that Russia hacked the system, disclosed the emails, and thus greatly impacted the outcome of the last election,”Rohrabacher said in a press release from his congressional office. “These bogus charges have done great damage to our ability to work with Russia and have distracted the American people from the real threat of radical Islamic terrorism. This phony campaign has been used to disrupt the right of our new president to accomplish his goals and set the policies approved by the American voters.”

Rohrabacher said in his Thursday press release that he’d circulated the report by retired intelligence officials among his GOP colleagues to push back on the bipartisan consensus that Russia meddled in the 2016 election.

That report, however, came out months ago, before Trump was even inaugurated. And rather than offer any evidence that the entire U.S. intelligence community’s analysis that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election to help boost Trump over Hillary Clinton was wrong, it only questions those findings and called on Trump to get to the bottom of things.

Rohrabacher has long been a strident Russia defender — and the FBI reportedly warned him back in 2012 that Russian spies were trying to recruit him as an asset. The congressman brags that he once lost a drunken arm-wrestling match with now-Russian President Vladimir Putin back in the 1990s, and has defended many Russian actions viewed as dangerous by other politicians, including its invasion of Ukraine and meddling in Syria.

But what once seemed like oddball views have taken on a new light in the wake of the past election — and Rohrabacher’s once-safely Republican seat has moved rapidly away from his party. Trump lost Rohrabacher’s district by a narrow margin last year, and House Democrats have named him as a top target in the 2018 elections.

Democrats were quick to pounce on Rohrabacher’s latest bear-hug of Russia.

“Congressman Rohrabacher’s representation of Russia instead of his constituents has long been seen as a comical distraction by Republican leadership in Washington. But with the American intelligence community having already stated that Russia attempted to influence our election, and a mounting pile of evidence showing that he has done Vladimir Putin’s bidding in Washington, Congressman Rohrabacher’s peddling in conspiracies and lies to protect his Russian puppeteers is outrageous,” a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spokesman said in a statement.

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Notable Replies

  1. Avatar for cd cd says:

    blows me away that this tool represents an area that, when I was growing up there, was entirely repube and was so anti-USSR that this guy would have been strung up without hesitation back then for speaking as he does now, guess Ronnie Raygun’s evil empire evolved into a republican stalwart supporter, or probably more logically, the repubes devolved into russian stooges

  2. Rohrabacher has long been a strident Russia defender — and the FBI reportedly warned him back in 2012 that Russian spies were trying to recruit him as an asset. The congressman brags that he once lost a drunken arm-wrestling match with now-Russian President Vladimir Putin back in the 1990s, and has defended many Russian actions viewed as dangerous by other politicians, including its invasion of Ukraine and meddling in Syria.

    Is there any doubt that the Russians’ Kompromat on Rohrabacher was developed in the hours immediately following this drunken arm-wrestling match?

  3. Rohrabacher, do you really want to draw Mueller’s attention right now?

  4. Everybody KNOWS Rohrbacher is a Russian agent at this point. Why would anyone pay attention to whatever Russian propaganda he’s pushing?

  5. Avatar for gr gr says:


    I’ve said before that I know people who worked with him before he went into politics. They say he is one dumb bunny. He’s a friggin’ liar and a dumb friggin’ liar to think this will buy him some favor with the Big Dogs.

    He posed with some Afghans holding an AK 47 to imply he was doing some guerilla action as proxy for his draft dodging. The LA Times, much to its discredit, printed the press release with photos. The pix looked like those one takes on the boardwalk photo concession while dressed in some costume. “Yes, guys, I can fart with the Big Dogs. Just look at me!”

    He is one friggin’ buffoon.

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