The Conservative Ideas The Koch Brothers Want To Sneak Into Schools

This photo taken June 11, 2014 shows David Koch, the executive vice president of Wichita's Koch Industries in New York City. In the short-on-specifics elections just ended, the economy was the main issue, Republicans... This photo taken June 11, 2014 shows David Koch, the executive vice president of Wichita's Koch Industries in New York City. In the short-on-specifics elections just ended, the economy was the main issue, Republicans ran against President Barack Obama and Democrats campaigned against the billionaire Koch brothers. That leaves the new GOP majority in Congress with a mandate to improve the economy, yet without a national consensus on how to go about it. At the same time, shrunken Democratic minorities in the House and Senate are in search of a more appealing approach. (AP Photo/The Wichita Eagle, Travis Heying) MORE LESS
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The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction last week encouraged high school teachers to use a history curriculum drafted by a group funded by the conservative billionaire Koch brothers.

The state legislature passed a law in 2011 requiring public schools in the state to offer a history course on the “Founding Principles,” which was based on model legislation from the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).

The News and Observer reported that North Carolina hired the Bill of Rights Institute to write a history curriculum for teachers to follow, and that the Virginia-based organization has received grants and donations from Charles Koch and multiple Koch groups.

The decision by the Department of Public Instruction to “highly recommend” came just after the state Board of Education discussed the controversy over the new AP U.S. History exam, which conservatives have criticized as negative and unpatriotic.

The 390 page document produced by the Bill of Rights Institute, along with some input from teachers in the state, unsurprisingly centers on the founding fathers and the documents they penned.

By focusing on the founding documents like the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, the course feeds the concept of “American exceptionalism,” a phrase favored by the conservatives who hate the new AP History exam. The course presents the founding documents as a mostly perfect structure on which America was built.

The curriculum is not overtly political or conservative. But the document includes a subtle libertarian bias focused on limited government and individual freedom, and offers a positive view of early American history.

Limited Government

Throughout the curriculum, students are asked to tie lessons back to the concept of limited government, which the state’s 2011 bill calls for. And the curriculum consistently emphasizes that the Bill of Rights was established to limit the government.

In a lesson on the “rule of law,” the curriculum asks students to analyze how the Constitution serves to “ensure liberty and limit government.” The document claims, “Rule of law is important because it limits the government and the people under the same set of laws so that they cannot infringe upon rights.”

The section on rule of law leaves out any discussion of civil disobedience or the civil rights movement, reminiscent of a Colorado county school board’s attempt to ensure its history curriculum does not “encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law.”

Individual Responsibility

The curriculum devotes one of the ten modules to the concept of “individual responsibility” and how a free nation depends on it.

The curriculum introduces the module by asking students to “challenge preconceived notions about what freedom means, and understand the way individual freedom is inextricably tied to personal responsibility.”

Students are then asked to articulate the “importance of civic virtue and individual responsibility in our society” and “evaluate how free government depends on citizens’ virtue.”

In defining “virtue,” the curriculum tells students it’s okay to be judgmental.

“To further justice, we must exercise judgment. In order to understand and evaluate virtue, we must be willing to admire heroes and condemn villains. We must be willing to take a stand. A special challenge today may be that many people do not wish to appear judgmental, especially when another person’s actions do no harm to others,” the document reads.

The Founders Weren’t Racist

The curriculum written by the Bill of Rights Institute addresses the founders and slavery during a lesson on “inalienable rights,” but the document justifies the founders’ decision to maintain the institution of slavery.

“Some say that the Declaration’s authors didn’t mean to include everyone when they wrote ‘all men are created equal.’ They say that Jefferson and the Continental Congress just meant to include white men who owned property. But this is not true. Jefferson and the Continental Congress did not believe that there was a natural class of rulers, and they asserted that the colonists had the same right to rule themselves as the people of England,” an essay in the curriculum asserts.

“Slavery was an important economic and social institution in the United States,” the essay continues. “The Founders understood that they would have to tolerate slavery as part of a political compromise. They did not see a way to take further action against slavery in their lifetimes, though many freed their slaves after their deaths.”

A separate essay acknowledges that many of the founders, like George Washington, owned slaves. But this small unit glosses over the institution of slavery and how the nation was in fact founded with glaring inequality.

The Federal Government Has Too Much Power

The curriculum constantly questions how much power and authority the federal government should have and subtly asserts that the federal government has gained too much power since 1789.

During a lesson on incorporation, the process through which the Supreme Court extended the Bill of Rights to the states, the curriculum casts doubt on whether it was a smart move. The language in the document argues both for and against incorporation, but then mentions the increase in Supreme Court cases since the Bill of Rights was extended to govern the states.

“It seems that fewer people are making more decisions about the nature of our fundamental rights,” the curriculum reads.

The curriculum is also critical of the the expanded use of the commerce clause to justify actions by the federal government.

“Congress was now able to create laws regulating, banning, and supporting a wide range of activities, and it did. Laws would be upheld as long as the Court was convinced that the regulated activities had a close and substantial relation to interstate commerce. Federal power expanded dramatically for the next fifty years,” the document reads, implying that this could lead to abuses of power.

The section on the commerce clause includes a bit about the Affordable Care Act.

“The Affordable Care Act: The Supreme Court ruled that the federal government did not have the power to force Americans to buy health insurance under the Commerce Clause, but that they did have the power to tax,” the curriculum reads.

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Notable Replies

  1. A sane person should use the upcoming Consumer Holiday to invest in some real history books as a legacy item that should be passed down through the generations. That should include the current: Lies My Teachers Told Me.

    Here in TX - there is exactly one ECON course that can be completed on-line for HS credit: Free-Market Capitalism. sigh.

    Start the brainwashing early - sigh.

  2. Such is life here in the recently acquired provinces of the Kochtopus Empire. The Kochs bought the place fair and square so they’re entitled to order Proconsul McCrory to follow their orders on the proper instruction of the children of their new subjects.

  3. Apparently they’ve purchased the economics department at Creighton University now, and there’s a brewing Jesuit revolt. Grab the popcorn.

  4. ¨(T)he course feeds the concept of "American exceptionalism…¨

    Perhaps they could start by discussing the Senate report on torture released yesterday.

  5. When your paid belief system doesn’t agree with the facts, just change the facts for the next generation.

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