The GOP’s Incredible Disappearing Quest To Repeal Obamacare

House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio, right, walks with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., left, as they make their way to a GOP strategy session on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013. At a ... House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio, right, walks with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., left, as they make their way to a GOP strategy session on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013. At a news conference later, the Republicans kept up their their criticism of the Affordable Care Act, focusing on President Barack Obama’s promise to Americans that they could keep their private health care plans if they preferred them over Obamacare. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) MORE LESS
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Congressional Republicans spent four years joyfully seizing every opportunity to attack Obamacare and call for its repeal.

No more.

Since the health care law blew past its 7 million sign-ups target last month, Republican leaders have been noticeably more restrained in the way they talk about it, ratcheting down their public calls for repeal. Action has also slowed.

In the House, the GOP’s spring 2014 legislative agenda — as outlined in an April 25 memo by Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) — doesn’t include any action on Obamacare. Instead the memo highlights prior bills the House has taken to chip away at the law and makes a passing mention of “replacing Obamacare with policies that improve patient choice, access to doctors and hospitals, and lower costs.” (Republicans aren’t close to settling on a replacement plan.)

House committee hearings on Obamacare are scant, with none currently scheduled. Notably, one of the House GOP’s few recent hearings aimed at going after the law backfired when insurance industry executives declined to validate their warnings that premiums would rise in 2015.

In the Senate, Republicans last week jettisoned an opportunity to bash the law when considering the nomination of Sylvia Mathews Burwell to lead the department charged with implementing it. This week they’re attempting to use a pending tax-cut bill as a vehicle to eliminate Obamacare’s medical device tax, a nonessential component of the law which some Democrats also want to scrap.

In a shift that has been particularly noticeable to congressional reporters, House and Senate Republicans leaders have also steered clear of attacking Obamacare in their opening remarks at press conferences. It used to be unheard of for weekly GOP leadership news conferences to exclude attacks on Obamacare — now it’s common.

None of this means Republicans are ready to embrace the law. The party’s official position remains “repeal and replace” and it has continued to highlight Obamacare’s flaws and negative side-effects on the road to the 2014 elections. But the strategy has shifted from a years-long push for its total destruction to a more tactical highlighting of unflattering anecdotes.

The GOP’s pivot comes amid growing intra-party tension over how to deal with the law. Independent conservative experts warn that Obamacare won’t collapse on its own and that repealing it is no longer feasible as it would strip benefits from millions of Americans. It also comes after some anti-Obamacare claims on the right turned out to be inaccurate or failed to stand up to scrutiny.

The diminishing focus on Obamacare has made way for a redoubling of GOP efforts to target the administration over scandals: the House voted last week to set up a select committee to investigate the deadly 2012 attack in Benghazi and to hold former IRS official Lois Lerner in contempt.

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  1. This should be the Dem slogan going into the Midterms:

    “Republicans: They Got Nuthin’!”

    Sums it up well, I think…

  2. Hence the waving of the shiny trinket marked “BENGHAZI!!!” to the base, because the leadership really has nothing left. Their Quixotic quest against Obamacare has failed, the IRS business has gone nowhere, all the previous nothingburgers have disappeared off the radar, and there’s no chance of bringing up articles of impeachment before November. So they have to throw some sort of red meat out there and 4 dead Americans seems to be what they’ve chosen.

    It would be pathetically sad in a presidential election year, but since it’s a mid-term year, where the voter demographics are heavily weighted towards the sort of old, white nutters who the GOP has relied more and more for its electoral muscle, this comes off looking like a “cunning plan.”

  3. Avatar for lew lew says:

    WE HATE Obamacare! WE Hate it! We LOATHE It!!! We will repeal it again, and again, and again. We will SHUT down the Federal government. We will lose tax revenue. WE WILL NOT GO QUIETLY INTO A FUTURE WITH OBAMACARE!!!

    Uh, never mind.

  4. You mean there won’t be a 51st or is it 52nd vote to repeal Obamacare. How disappointing. I just knew that this time was the charm.

  5. Looks like the fake outrage of the ACA stopped getting the clicks and ratings it once did on rightwing media outlets. Anybody want to take any bets on what the next non-controversy becomes when even the creepy old NRA guys stop giving a shit about Benghazi?

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