WASHINGTON — Dick Cheney is scheduled to attend and speak at a weekly meeting on Monday of the House Republican whip team.
A spokesperson for House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) told TPM that the whip invited the former vice president about “a month ago.”
“Scalise likes to have special guests at Whip meeting[s] from time to time. Figured Cheney would be a great guest, seeing as how he’s a former whip. And VP,” the spokesperson said. “He will likely talk about foreign policy.”
Cheney, a former congressman from Wyoming, briefly served as House minority whip from January to March of 1989 before he became secretary of defense under President George H. W. Bush.
One major upcoming foreign policy-related event is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress on Tuesday night, which has exacerbated tensions with the White House after he was invited by House Republicans without the approval of the president.
Cheney’s appearance also comes days after House Republican leaders suffered a major setback when 52 GOP lawmakers helped kill the leadership’s bill to temporarily stave off a shutdown of the Department of Homeland Security.
I can only assume that he will bring along an actual whip and crack it several times during the high points of his “talk.”
Hmmm, his Halliburton stocks must be under-performing so he’s going to insist we invade Mexico and Canada.
Hey tpm this what the headline for discussion says “Dick Cheney Will Speak At " < span style=“line-height: 1em;”>” House GOP Whip Meeting"
Is this a subtly jab at him shooting that guy in the face?
Lord Vader will rally his troops to destroy America once and for all.
I think Cheney’s approval rating is about the lowest of any living American. If that’s what they have to do to keep up morale, perhaps Scalise and his crew are verging on desperation.