How Dare He? Climate Change Skeptics Freak Out Over The Pope’s Visit

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Among the various hot-button issues Pope Francis will likely touch during his visit to the United States, his call for a “bold cultural revolution” to tackle climate change has struck a particular nerve among those who deny that climate change is a man-made and disastrous phenomenon.

Since the pope released a widely-acclaimed encyclical on the matter in June, climate deniers have chastised that the pope should “stay with his job,” as Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) put it earlier this summer. The freakout has reached a fever pitch now that Francis is expected to bring up the issue in the remarks he has planned in Washington, New York and Philadelphia. They say that Francis has been hoodwinked by “climate alarmists,” that he has engaged in “fact-free flamboyance” and that he is choosing to “to act and talk like a leftist politician.”

Stay In Your Lane, Your Holiness!

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) has made perhaps the strongest statement, vowing to boycott the Pope’s address to Congress having read it would be about climate change, which Gosar said “is being presented to guilt people into leftist policies.”

“If the Pope stuck to standard Christian theology, I would be the first in line,” Gosar wrote in a Townhall op-ed last week. “But when the Pope chooses to act and talk like a leftist politician, then he can expect to be treated like one.”

“If the Pope wants to devote his life to fighting climate change then he can do so in his personal time,” he continued.

He and other climate deniers suggest that Pope Francis leading the church away from Catholic doctrine.

A leader at the Heartland Institute — a Chicago-based think-tank that has sponsored various climate denialism events — compared the pope’s concerns about climate change to pagan festivals held in the Middle Ages.

“What is environmentalism but nature worship?” said Heartland Institute marketing director Gene Koprowski, at a press conference last week ahead of the Pope’s visit.

“I’m wondering, as a scholar, if pagan forms are returning to the church this day,” he said. “I think that if we have a pope who doesn’t view things in the orthodox manner, we’re going to be having forms returning to religion that are not orthodox.”

Joining Koprowski at the Heartland event was Philadelphia radio host and Daily News columnist Dom Giordano, who called Francis “potentially a dangerous figure, given his celebrity and his holiness.”

“The pope does seem to be enamored with solutions that are not pro-American in the slightest,” Giordano said, according to

His Excellency Has Been Duped!

Another argument being pushed by climate deniers ahead of the papal visit is that Pope Francis has been misinformed about climate change, and, as George Will put it, is engaging “fact-free flamboyance.”

“As the world spurns his church’s teachings about abortion, contraception, divorce, same-sex marriage and other matters, Francis jauntily makes his church congruent with the secular religion of ‘sustainability,’” Will wrote last week.

“Because this is hostile to growth, it fits Francis’s seeming sympathy for medieval stasis, when his church ruled the roost, economic growth was essentially nonexistent and life expectancy was around 30,” he went on, arguing that “Americans cannot simultaneously honor him and celebrate their nation’s premises.”

At the Federalist, Cato fellow Craig D. Idso wrote, “Contrary to what Pope Francis says, fossil fuels are good for the poor and the Earth.”

“But are the pope’s concerns over potential global warming based upon the best available science? Or are they significantly overinflated?” Isdo asked.

Meanwhile, weather forecaster and global warming doubter Joe Bastardi posted a “quick note” at the Patriot Post including two charts he “would ask the pope to look at.”

“I won’t go any further except to say I can’t believe his excellency, if exposed to this, would not at the very least question the positions he has adopted,” Bastardi wrote. “It is my hope while he is here that he at least glances at other information such as this.”

Yeah, But What About Islam!?!

An easy pivot for conservatives is to denounce the Pope for focusing on climate change rather than other causes more aligned with the religious right.

“Take on Islam, then talk to me,” Fox News Radio’s Brian Kilmeade said last week.

“He blames us and money for what’s going on in the Middle East,” he went on. “He says that global warming — we’ve got to do more to have global warming — we’ve doing more than anybody else. Get on China, show some courage.”

Noting concerns about ISIS and the Iran deal, Paul Driessen wrote on a climate blog disdainfully, “So naturally, President Obama, Pope Francis, the European Commission, United Nations, and many poor countries are obsessed with – climate change!”

“It’s insanity on steroids. The alarmist assertions are absurd,” Driessen, author of “Eco-Imperialism: Green power – Black death,” continued.

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Notable Replies

  1. Climate change denial bubble–where Ignorance is Strength

  2. Avatar for sufi66 sufi66 says:

    The reactionaries will never admit they could be wrong. Sadly, this is one issue where being wrong means no going back.

  3. Avatar for lew lew says:

    Huh, some old guy who actually cares about how human beings treat the planet and the consequences, from droughts in the middle east inflaming the migrant crisis to wildfires destroying homes in California to food shortages in the Sahel.

    Next thing you know he’s going to ask you to treat your neighbor as yourself; or tell you how hard it is for rich people to get into heaven. I just know it.

    No wonder conservatives are upset…doesn’t the Pope know that Jesus taught everybody “screw you I got mine”? What’s the matter with this guy?

  4. Avatar for jep07 jep07 says:

    It is hard to find a time in history when the liars were so desperate because an honest man with a microphone was out there exposing their lies.

    The convergence of this man’s simple honesty and his popehood makes it all the more impossible for the liars to dismiss the moral implications of destroying this precious planet that they so perniciously ignore and are desperate to keep others from hearing…

    They have spent decades brainwashing conservatives to live in denial of what science has proven unequivocally, and along comes Francis to point out just how naked that emperor is to his 1.2 BILLION devotees.

    Those liars may have billions of dollars, but Francis has a billion followers, and guess which billion can’t dance… OR vote.

    This is wonderful, simply mahvelous, the schadenfreude from watching the liars stumble all over their own lies just lifts my heart.

    I have to add, in an edit, they won’t find it as easy to heckle pope Francis as it is President Obama, his devotees are a bit too passionate to let some lout loudmouth spew patent falsehoods from the crowd… that might prove disastrous to the heckler.

    Francis’ supporters aren’t likely to tolerate any sort of buffoonery from the denier’s peanut gallery. It could get ugly if they try.

  5. Good catch on the current crisis in Syria, Turkey, Iraq, etc. Water politics have been stressed by drought. Syrians have been losing their orchards in recent years and the record heat in the north this year was sort of the end. Some countries in the region, e.g. Egypt, already import about 40% of their food and thus nowhere close of food security. On top of this, wheat (which is equal to importing 5,000 liters of water per kilo) harvests elsewhere determine migration and social unrest. The Arab Spring in Egypt followed the 2010 grain failures in Russia and Ukraine (their main suppliers). This year grain supplies should be abundant, but it may be that small Syrian farmers have had problems planting this year. Moreover, the Happy Planet Index shows that many countries in the Middle East, including Turkey, Syria, Egypt and Palestine have lousy life satisfaction scores. I mean horrible. This relates to population booms that have largely been allowed to go critical. Syria’s population went from 6 million in 1980 to 23 million today, with no increase in carrying capacity. These people are basically already living a version of Soylent Green.

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