John Boehner Calls Barack Obama An ‘Anti-War President’ Who Won’t Lead

House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio calls on a reporters during his weekly news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, March 26, 2015. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
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WASHINGTON — House Speaker John Boehner said Thursday that President Barack Obama was an “anti-war president.”

“The world is starving for American leadership. But America has an anti-war president,” the Ohio Republican told reporters. “We have no strategy, overarching strategy, to deal with the growing terrorist threat. And it’s not just ISIS or Al-Qaeda or all of their affiliates. We’ve got a serious problem facing the world and America, by and large, is sitting on the sidelines.”

During his presidency Obama has overseen ongoing U.S. military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, launched an unprecedented drone war in Pakistan, and authorized military actions against Libya, Syria, Yemen and Somalia.

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  1. “The Republican leadership is starving for endless American war. But America has an
    anti-war president,” the Ohio Republican told reporters. “We have no foreign policy strategy but war to deal with the growing threat of another Democratic president. And it’s not just Boeing, or all of their political action committees. it’s also McDonnell Douglas and GE and all of their political action committees.
    We’ve got a serious funding problem facing the Republican candidates, and the military industrial complex, by and large, is sitting on the sidelines.”

    Fixed it for you, Mr. Speaker.

    And BTW, President Obama didn’t say he was anti-war, but anti dumb war. Big difference.

  2. Well, then I think we should call the republican candiates the “Pro-War Candidates”, I am sure that sells well.

  3. I for one am grateful that we have a president that is thoughtful and deliberative and not some shoot from the hip cowboy.

  4. Did John Boehner clear those remarks with Bibi Netanyahu first? Or were they just based on Israeli intel?

  5. Avatar for caltg caltg says:

    Note to Boehner: Leadership does not equal warmongering.

    On the other hand, being Republican would seem to require one to be a warmonger.

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