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From The Reporter’s Notebook
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) challenged The Washington Post’s data on fatal police shootings by arguing that the nation should be focused on a “Male Lives Matter” rather than a “Black Lives Matter” movement, TPM’s Sara Jerde reported. Huckabee previously weighed in on the Black Lives Matter movement when he said on the campaign trail that Martin Luther King Jr. would be “appalled” by the effort.
Agree or Disagree?
Josh Marshall: “Everybody will react to what they see here differently. But I see no evidence of conscious racial animus. Groubert might be a stone cold racist and hate black people. But he might just as easily be someone with deep, instinctive preconceptions about black people, who doesn’t think of himself as a racist at all but instinctively sees black people through a prism of threat and fear. Indeed, the latter seems like a near certainty. What I see here is a mix of racial profiling/racism which may or may not be conscious or involve animus, immaturity and extremely poor training. Watching the video there’s little doubt in my mind that Jones’ being black was the major reason that Groubert massively overreacted to an unthreatening situation. That doesn’t mean Groubert is ‘racist’ in the sense we usually use the term.”
Say What?!
“The real movement in America should be ‘Male Lives Matter.'”
– Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee responded to a fact check about the number of police shootings involving minorities.
BUZZING: Today in the Hive
From a TPM Prime member: “Yes. I would like to find out what kind of conversations the PD has to have (with judges, lawyers?) before they used the bomb. I know that there is little difference between a choice to blow someone up or shoot them (as pointed out in the Time article) but the use of different technologies opens up other possibilities for disrupting the scenario. I would not want police departments to get into the habit of thinking that their growing arsenal allows them to kill more efficiently. Instead, I would want them to use emerging technology to “keep the peace” with a wider variety of possible outcomes.”
Related: Dallas Police Chief David Brown said that he and his family received death threats after a gunman fatally shot five police officers and wounded nine others at a protest last week.
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