Donald Trump’s Dangerous Vote Rigging Comments Follow Years of Republican Voter Fraud Hysteria

FILE - In this Aug. 30, 2016 file photo, a cyclist rides past a sign directing voters to a primary election voting station early, in Phoenix. Early voting kicks off next week in North Carolina, the first in a two-mon... FILE - In this Aug. 30, 2016 file photo, a cyclist rides past a sign directing voters to a primary election voting station early, in Phoenix. Early voting kicks off next week in North Carolina, the first in a two-month run of voting through key swing states where non-whites and young adults could give one of the presidential campaigns a decisive advantage before Election Day. (AP Photo/Matt York, File) MORE LESS
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Donald Trump may be out of step with the Republican Party’s traditional stance on some issues, like support for international trade, but he’s right in line with Republican hysteria over voter fraud. Indeed, the threat of voter intimidation and violence that Trump is raising by his irresponsible talk of vote rigging and encouragement of his supporters to go to other polling places is only possible because of years of earlier irresponsible talk.

Let’s start with what Trump has said and why it is so irresponsible. As I’ve written, one of the things we take for granted is that, even in tumultuous times when elections are hard-fought, the losers concede the election and embrace the process, even if things did not go well. That’s what Al Gore did after the Supreme Court decided Bush v. Gore. He did not call for demonstrations in the streets, which could have been destabilizing. In 2008, after great controversy over the Bush years, Obama v. McCain was very hard-fought, but we were able to come together again as a country.

Donald Trump threatens this peace by raising the prospect not only of sending his supporters, unsupervised, into polling places (likely in minority neighborhoods). This can lead to voter intimidation on election day. He has also backed off his earlier, somewhat ambiguous statement that he would support Hillary Clinton if she won. Now, speaking to the New York Times, he backed off even his qualified pledge to support Clinton if he loses, saying: “We’re going to have to see. We’re going to see what happens. We’re going to have to see.”

The message has resonated with his supporters. According to an AP-NORC poll: “Only about one-third of Republicans say they have a great deal or quite a bit of confidence that votes on Election Day will be counted fairly… Half the people who have a favorable opinion of the Republican nominee say they have little to no confidence in the integrity of the vote count.”

But this should be no surprise, because members of the fraudulent fraud squad have pushed this message for years, claiming that voter fraud is rampant, and that it inevitably helps Democrats. As I pointed out in my 2012 book, The Voting Wars, conservative flame thrower Michelle Malkin warned just before the 2010 election that voter fraud was rampant. But when Democrats faced a “thumping” at the polls, Malkin had nothing to say about fraud. And now she’s at it again, claiming non-citizens will steal the election in Colorado and elsewhere.

There’s a whole industry of fraudsters, such as Hans von Spakovsky and Kansas Secretary of State Kobach who whip up voter fraud frenzies to degitimize Democrats, rile up the Republican base, and fundraise. That’s why the Wake County, NC GOP just sent out a letter saying that Democrats will “stop at nothing and registering dead people or falsifying voter information is simply a ‘means to an end’ for them.”

Here’s what we know about voter fraud. One should never say voter fraud is non-existent. In fact, it happens occasionally with absentee ballots and I’ve long said we need more action to stop it. I’ve also said we need to clean up voter registration rolls to stop registration fraud. What is extremely rare and has not affected any election we know of since the 1980s is impersonation fraud, the kind of fraud state voter ID laws are meant to stop. Yet Republican laws that make it harder to register and vote generally don’t go after absentee ballot fraud but are instead targeted almost exclusively to measures making it harder for those likely to vote Democratic to register and vote.

Claims of voter fraud are often exaggerated by orders of magnitude. Consider the claims about non-citizen voting. Matt Drudge recently had a headline stating: “Report: 1,000+ Illegal Voters in Virginia.” And Dan Scavino, Jr. tweeted: “Terrible. We know who the 1,000+ illegal aliens ARE NOT VOTING FOR! A fixed presidential election in the making….will we ever know!?!?” But if you look at the underlying report, they have identified only 31 actual non-citizen voters in Virginia over the last 10 years. No doubt there are some more, as not all the counties have responded yet. But it is not 1,000 plus non-citizens voting in Va. (“In the 8 jurisdictions that provided us with lists of aliens recently removed from their voter rolls, we discovered that 31 non-citizens had cast a total of 186 votes between 2005 and 2015. The most alien votes were cast in 2012 followed by 2008, the year President Obama was elected to his first term.” (emphasis omitted)). Don’t believe all the hype. Non-citizen voting is a real, but pretty small, problem (because the penalties are high and the payoff low).

And there’s no doubt a racial element to all of this. When Trump talks of voter fraud in “certain areas” (code word for voting by minorities, with the fix put in by local labor unions), he’s talking about impersonation fraud. He says he’s worried about people voting 10 or 15 times. But as I wrote in a recent LA Times oped:

Trump contends that without strict voter identification laws, people can vote five, 10 or 15 times. He’s offered no evidence to back up this assertion, and for good reason. Even in states with modest means of identifying voters, such as comparing voters’ signatures in the poll ledger and on registration forms, there are safeguards to ensure against multiple voting.

In recent memory, the only publicized case involving someone voting in high multiples was a supporter of Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker when Walker was up for a recall. The voter tried to vote five times in the recall and seven more times in four other elections. He was easily caught, well before Wisconsin passed its strict voter ID law. The voter claimed amnesia; his lawyer argued he suffered from mental illness. The case shows this isn’t a problem that’s going to happen on a grand scale….

So yes, Trump’s rhetoric is not only condemnable; it is also dangerous. But let’s not forget where it came from, or expect that the pernicious voter fraud myth will disappear after Trump fades from the political scene.

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  1. Donald J. Trump is a racist demagogue and dangerous for democracy. Tell me something I don’t already know. The author is preaching to the choir.

    Try telling this to a center-right audience or even a far right group of people and see how well that goes…They won’t listen, nor will the more “respectable” Republican establishment types that now say they’re all for voting for Hillary rather than giving their vote to Trump. They too have propagated and kept this voter fraud nonsense going…so its not just the far right wingnuts claiming this…Its the entire GOP because it serves an important objective for them in being able to suppress the Democratic vote whenever their little cold hearts find it advantageous.

  2. I know math and logical thinking are hard but even a cursory attempt at it would show anyone how completely stupid and impossible voter fraud could happen enough to move a national election…

    how many votes in any state would it take to change the results in a state… 1000s? 10’s of thousand?

    and it would have to be across several, swing?, states to move a national election…

    fraud on that scale would require such a massive conspiracy that it would be impossible to cover up…

    and it’s scalable… a state Senate race? Congressional race?

    massive amounts of people conspiring to move any race…

  3. A more likely source of fraud is in the computers counting the votes. So far as I know, no jurisdictions are auditing the machines. The machines operate on proprietary code: no one can verify that the code does what it claims to do.

    If we must have voting machines, the code should be open-source. In any event, the machines should be audited against the paper trail. It isn’t necessary to audit every machine – a 5% sample should be sufficient. If the hand tally doesn’t match the machine tally and the discrepancy cannot be explained, then the election needs to be recounted with properly programmed and functioning machines.

    A state’s chief election officer trying to suppress the vote doesn’t instill confidence in me as to the integrity of his/her practices regarding the programming of voting machines.

  4. Avatar for new10 new10 says:

    More evidence for my assertion that the right does not care about constitutional principles, or any other kind of traditional American principles for that matter. They only care about getting their way. Period. These people are not patriots, despite all of their self-rightous claims to be such. Evidence also continues to mount that the Christian right isn’t even Christian, they are just another authoritarian group on the right seeking to enforce their will on everyone else.

  5. Is Trump’s flogging a conspiracy theory questioning the integrity of the election before the vote, and his database-building sign up of “poll watchers” on his website anything more than building an audience and “launch issue” for his & Steve Bannon’s post-election Hillary-bashing media business?

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