How Kim Davis Became An Unlikely Martyr

Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, with Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, left, at her side, speaks after being released from the Carter County Detention Center, Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2015, in Grayson, Ky. Davi... Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, with Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, left, at her side, speaks after being released from the Carter County Detention Center, Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2015, in Grayson, Ky. Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who was jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, was released Tuesday after five days behind bars. (AP Photo/Timothy D. Easley) MORE LESS
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The saga of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis is an epic tale of courage for her supporters, who view her as a sort of Appalachian Thomas More—and perhaps even more courageous than the Tudor martyr because she’s refusing to resign her public office (More did lose his head and his life, of course, but those were cruel times). To many of her detractors she’s a joke—a thrice-divorced hillbilly who epitomizes the hypocrisy and self-righteousness of Bible thumpers everywhere.

Behind the shouts, there are plenty of “religious liberty” enthusiasts who would prefer Davis quietly do her job or resign, and plenty of church-state separation champions who’d go the extra mile to keep her out of the hoosegow, so messy is her situation.

So it’s helpful to understand some of the deeper reasons Kim Davis has become the symbol of the latest battle over the shadowy line that protects some acts of “conscience” from the law-abiding behavior demanded of most Americans all the time.

Davis is distinguishable from her most immediate predecessors as “religious liberty” martyrs because she is a public elected official whose job is intimately connected with the prevailing public policies that most offend religious conservatives. The plaintiffs in the landmark Hobby Lobby case may have put together a successful legal argument, but didn’t evoke a lot of sympathy outside the Christian Right fever swamps for their demand to be free of financial responsibility for the “abortifacient” devices women chose to buy under the Obamacare contraceptive coverage mandate.

The bakers and florists who claimed they were persecuted by anti-discrimination laws that required them to sell their wares to same-sex couples were equally meh as martyrs, much like the earlier “pharmacists of conscience” who refused to dispense contraceptives to loose women who wanted to have sex without consequences! All these would-be victims of religious intolerance suffered from the relatively minor nature of the concessions they were asked to make to Sodom and Gomorrah, and from the tangential impact of social change on their professions.

But Kim Davis stands athwart the path to the altar in Rowan County, Kentucky, shouting “Stop!” And so she is a bad exemplar to those “religious liberty” fans (e.g., regular Republicans wanting to pander to conservative evangelical and traditionalist Catholic voters without much controversy elsewhere) who only want the strongest possible cases, while she is the ideal vehicle for those craving maximum conflict. As such, she is the perfect champion for Christian Reconstructionist/Dominionist advocates who do not believe public officials like Kim Davis can ever, ever be neutral on issues where Man’s Law contradicts God’s Law.

The religious views on which Davis herself is basing her plea for martyrdom are a bit murky; she appears to be a recent convert to the Apostolic Pentecostal faith community, in which a commitment to biblical inerrancy (as conservatively interpreted, of course) is viewed as a necessary counterweight to the evil power of an unredeemed world doomed to destruction.

There’s less ambiguity about the views of Davis’s lawyers, from Liberty Counsel, a Christian Right law firm affiliated with Liberty University, Jerry Falwell’s gift to higher education. They are clearly invested in the idea that religious law trumps civil law wherever a conflict arises—and beyond that, in the idea that religious law should become civil law. That, of course, is the essence of the Reconstructionist/Dominionist belief in Bible-based theocracy. So of course they seek out cases where church-state conflict occurs, because without conflict there can be no suspension of “Caesar’s law” to give way to God’s, and no reason to compare America to Nazi Germany.

And then there are Davis’ political defenders, most notably Kentucky GOP Senate nominee Matt Bevan and carpetbaggers Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee. Cruz passed up an opportunity to be in Washington for the opening of his crusade to demand a government shutdown over Planned Parenthood funding to go hang around the Rowan County jail on Kim Davis’s account. But it was Huck, he of the “criminalization of Christianity” meme, who was given the favor of lifting hands with Davis and her chief attorney when she was released, with Cruz on the sidelines. You get the sense that this scene and its backstory could become a chapter in Game Change 2016.

Eventually the idea that marriage equality is incompatible with conservative Christian “freedom of worship” will fade as LGBT folk continue to get married and people continue to worship and yea, present the case for a depraved world that needs to bend to the will of a very angry and culturally conservative God. But that won’t end the culture wars, if only because the supposed tribunes of “religious liberty” really want dominion.

Ed Kilgore is the principal blogger for Washington Monthly’s Political Animal blog and Managing Editor of The Democratic Strategist. Earlier he worked for three governors and a U.S. Senator. He can be followed on Twitter at @ed_kilgore.

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Notable Replies

  1. So, when (not if) she again violates the judge’s ruling that she allow her subordinates to issue the licenses, what’s next? I’m assuming jail and fines. Are we then stuck in an infinite loop? Davis goes to jail -> minions issue licenses -> Davis gets out of jail -> Davis orders minions to not issue licenses -> Davis goes to jail …

    If she is determined not to ever issue licenses, is there any remedy short of changing the law that will break the cycle?

  2. The Nazis, too, believed they were doing God’s will when they used the power of the government to persecute the Jews (and, ironically enough, persecute homosexuals as well). Our Founding Fathers were smart and prescient enough to keep God out of the equation when creating our system of government. If you don’t like that system of government, there are lots of intolerant theocracies around the world to choose from.

  3. LOL!

     Survivor Furious That “Eye Of The Tiger” Was Used In Kim Davis Video, Considers Suing To Protect Integrity
  4. We need to keep some things straight here.

    Davis is NOT a martyr to an oppressive government forcing her to comprise her “religious freedom.”

    David IS the oppressive government. She is an elected County Clerk in Kentucky who is using the power of the state to deny the constitutional right to marry to certain individuals who don’t meet her personal religious test.

    Davis is NOT Martin Luther King. Davis is Orvial Faubus standing in the school house door. David is George Wallace standing in the university door.

    President Eisenhower federalized the Arkansas National Guard and sent the 101st Airborne Division of the US Army to assure black children could go to school in Little Rock in 1957.

    President Kennedy federalized the Alabama National Guard and ordered it to see that black students could attend the University of Alabama in 1963.

    If Davis again interferes with the issuing of marriage licenses in Rowan County, Kentucky she will find herself in the custody of the US Marshall’s and back in jail. In this country, governments do not deny lawfully issued court orders citing “God’s Will” or the government’s “religious freedom.”

    That is an unconstitutional establishment of religion. We don’t expect “Liberty Counsel” to see it that way. We do expect the US Supreme Court to see it that way.

    If Davis were just an employee of the County Clerk and other clerks would issue marriage licenses, we could talk about making at “religious accommodation” under the circumstances. But Davis is not a mere employee. She is the ELECTED County Clerk. Davis IS the GOVERNMENT, There is NO accommodation available for “the Government” here – on;y obedience to the courts or the consequences of disobedience.

  5. Too bad the media gives these Christianist/Dominionists outsized importance and a sympathetic tone in their coverage. Would like to see the author address why the media in general seems to prop up these boneheads when the law is clear, and the separation of Church and State is the law of the land to all but the most dogmatic purveyors of these ongoing spectacles.

    And btw, new word of the day for me…“hoosegow”. Thanks for that one.

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