Josh Marshall

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Josh Marshall is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of TPM.

Theories of the Case Prime Badge

TPM Reader RC thinks TS “fundamentally misunderstands what’s at stake and what it takes to win today.”

At the national and statewide levels, persuading perceived “center and center-right voters” is a waste of time at this point. The goal here is to keep the coalition together. The last two cycles have demonstrated that there is a 50+1 majority that can give Democrats political power. We need to be making sure that coalition shows up, not chasing a handful of “gettable voters”, most of whom are closet partisans.

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Just in Time for the Midterms? Prime Badge

From TPM Reader TS on pandemic-era restrictions on asylum-seekers…

The pandemic is not over and the limits on entrants should be extended at least through 2022.  The President should say no to advocates and legalistic experts pushing him to open the border to asylum claimers.  CNN will be filming droves of people crossing the Rio Grande every day. They are already starting.

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Reality Can Be Boring Prime Badge

I find myself agreeing with a lot of what TPM Reader PT says here about “Ukraine on the Verge of Defeat” …

As I mentioned, I’ve seen a fair number of different variations on the theme of “Vladimir V. Putin, SUPER-GENIUS” over the last few days; I’m sure you have as well. A thing they all seem to have in common is a presumption that Putin’s real goal in all of this was to acquire more territory in Ukraine’s east, or get a more firm grip on territory there that they already hold. I get the sense that they’re all taking a not-really-applicable analogy — making an opening bid in a negotiation that’s much bigger than what you actually expect to achieve — and applying it in a comically-inappropriate manner (specifically: ignoring the distinction that when you open with an overlarge ask it doesn’t actually cost anything to anyone, while Putin’s war in Ukraine has in fact cost Russia vastly more than if they’d just pursued additional conquest of territory in eastern Ukraine). 

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Readers Reply on Abortion #2 Prime Badge

From TPM Reader SS

I want to follow-up on reader JJ’s thoughts. I’m aware of people like the “older Catholic guy” he describes. I’ve met some. But anytime we decide to label entire people groups with a stereotype that might be true for a subset, we are in danger. Any analysis that lacks nuance and complexity is often misguided.

I grew up in right-leaning evangelical subculture in the 1980’s in a highly conservative part of the country. My parents stood out in our circles as the token liberals. But they really were just people who left this area for a period and had lived both overseas and in California, and knew the world and the issues of the world were more complex.

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Readers Reply on Abortion #1 Prime Badge

From TPM Reader AE

This may horrify you, but I am a pro-life leftie who has been a TPM-prime member for quite a while.  (I don’t remember exactly how long – I am sure that you have records.)  I thought your post “Traditionalism and Aggression” was horribly unfair.

I recognize of course that TPM is 100% pro-choice, and I still support you.

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The Uncanny Fall of the Feral Man-Boy Madison Cawthorn

I’ve been fascinated by the evolving Madison Cawthorn “scandal.” As TPM Readers know as well as anyone, House Republicans say batsh*t insane stuff pretty much weekly. They not infrequently make statements in support of fringe racist and domestic terror groups. They endorse borderline sedition (light treason, if you will). These pass with as little trace as a brief summer shower. Yet here we have Cawthorn whipping out this weird Boogie Nights reverie about cocaine-filled orgies among his colleagues in Congress, a den of iniquity the brash young man-boy Cawthorn says he is striving to keep himself pure from. And yet this looks to be on the verge of making him a political dead man walking among congressional Republicans. Kevin McCarthy said yesterday that Cawthorn has “lost my trust” and that if he doesn’t shape up he could be stripped of his committee assignments or worse.

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Is Ukraine on the Edge of Defeat? Prime Badge

For years I’ve been corresponding with TPM Reader BF. He’s in the national security world, whereas I’m just an outside observer. He’s prone to intense responses to events whereas I’m characterologically more cautious. But this is his field not mine. So in recent days I was struck to see that he thinks I have the Ukraine situation totally wrong and that notwithstanding its battlefield embarrassments and mishaps Putin is on the verge of getting everything he wants and Ukraine is on the verge of what amounts to surrender.

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Traditionalism and Aggression Prime Badge

From TPM Reader JJ

Years ago I worked for a building trades union. I once had a car ride with a fellow staffer, an older Catholic guy who I’d once heard express opposition to abortion.   I thought I’d ask him about it.

I assumed I’d hear a version of the Catholic take on it. Instead, he was refreshingly honest–

“These c**ts have gotten out of control.”

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Trump Colludin’ and Losin’ Steam At the Same Time Prime Badge

I was offline for a few hours and I came back to the news that ex-President Trump is calling on Vladimir Putin to help him unearth dirt about Joe Biden. I had been thinking it was going to be important going forward to remind people that Trump has repeatedly worked with Vladimir Putin to intervene in U.S. domestic politics and subvert U.S. elections. After all, it seems like Putin is getting less popular in the United States of late. But I guess that won’t be as pressing a need as long as Trump continues to re-collude out in the open on an ongoing basis. So here we are.

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Withdrawals from Ukraine Prime Badge

If you follow reports closely, you’ve heard that the Ukrainian military has incrementally been reclaiming territory from Russian forces in the north of the country and parts of the south in recent days. The situation is different in the east and southeast, in parts of which Russia has continued to consolidate its possession of territory. There have also been reports of Russian withdrawals. But it’s been hard to disentangle which of these withdrawals are more like retreats in the face of counter-offensives, or simply redeployments to find more defensible positions, or actual withdrawals. All that’s been clear is that in substantial parts of the country Ukraine has been retaking control of territory that had been occupied by the Russian Army.

Today though Russia’s deputy defense minister said that Moscow would “fundamentally cut back military activity in the direction of Kyiv and Chernigiv” in order to “increase mutual trust for future negotiations to agree and sign a peace deal with Ukraine.”

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