Vice President Joe Biden left no rich-guy stereotype unturned in Iowa on Tuesday, offering up some of the campaign’s most pointed attacks at Mitt Romney yet.
“Give Mitt Romney credit: He is a job creator,” Biden said. “In Singapore and China and India.”
The speech comes as the campaign is highlighting a new Washington Post report detailing Bain Capital’s investments in companies that specialized in moving jobs overseas under Romney’s leadership. A new Obama campaign ad refers to Romney as “outsourcer-in-chief.”
“This good man, Mitt Romney, has looked at American workers, has looked at all of you, has looked at the places I come from, has looked at us as part of the problem,” Biden told the crowd. “The president and I don’t see American workers as part of the problem. We see them as the heart of the solution.”
Biden brought up Romney’s use of a Swiss bank account, which he closed in 2010, saying it showed Romney was “out of touch.”
“Did you ever think you’d be choosing between two people running for president, one of whom has a Swiss bank account?” Biden said.