This Is What Obamacare Outreach Looks Like (VIDEOS)

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With a month to go until the Affordable Care Act’s online health insurance marketplaces open for business, the race is on to reach the public and let them know what’s going to be available to them on Oct. 1.

Television ads are a logical starting point to raise public awareness, and many marketplaces, also known as exchanges, have debuted video advertisements. They’re consciously playing to the home crowd.

The Oregon exchange’s ad emulates the state’s famously quirky personality; Vermont’s clip ends with the tagline: “For Vermonters, By Vermonters”; New York’s video opens with the New York City skyline intercut with images of the state’s rural countryside. Some are catering to young people, others to families and still others to small businesses.

The exchanges have a big job to do in 32 days. Two-thirds of Americans said they know nothing at all or only a little about the marketplaces, according to the most recent Kaiser Family Foundation tracking poll. The White House is hoping to sign up 7 million people for coverage in the exchange’s first year.

With that goal in mind, here’s a round up of how Obamacare advocates are taking their message to the public.




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