A TPMm reader has a bright idea. The administration in Kentucky claims that the internet filtering software the state uses is responsible for identifying what falls into the category of “blogs.” The name of the software is Webwasher. Is Webwasher really responsible for the disparity between which blogs make the list and which don’t? I have a call into the Secure Computing people about this, but I may not get an answer.
But a TPMm reader writes in to ask whether our beloved readers might be able to answer the question:
…I bet one of your thousands of technically-savvy users works in an office that uses Webwasher, and has access to the software. Why not post an appeal for information? The key questions:
1) Is there an accessible default list of blogs? Are the blogs blocked/allowed in Kentucky on/off it?
2) When the ‘block blogs’ option is enabled, can users access the liberal blogs that we know to be banned in Kentucky? The conservative blogs we know are getting through?
So? Any Webwasher users out there?