A bipartisan panel of House Intelligence Committee members has found fault with the Bush administration’s efforts to improve intelligence collection, analysis and sharing, according to an unreleased report that CQ‘s Tim Starks somehow got his mitts on a day before its scheduled release:
According to a source who would discuss the subcommitteeâs findings, the report faults the administrationâs progress in most areas, including its workings with Congress; the establishment of a civil liberties board; and its processing of security clearances to hire new human intelligence officers.
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence gets the blame for many of the delays and is faulted for a scattershot approach to its mission rather than focusing in on top priorities such as information sharing.
Starks gently points out that the intelligence committee chair, Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI), has clashed with Bush’s ODNI over the contentious departure of his pal, former Congressman Porter Goss (R-FL), from the top CIA spot a few months ago.