That Janet Jackson-Osama bin Laden sex scene may be closer to reality than we think — so says Door of Kush Books, publisher of a new memoir by Kola Boof, the woman who claims to have slept with (and kept by) the al Qaeda leader for several months in 1996.
“If a film gets made about Kola Boof, it will likely be at FOX SEARCHLIGHT,” senior editor Nafisa Goma emailed me yesterday. “At this time, that is all that I am allowed to reveal, as it’s far too early to publicly discuss the project.” I’m thinking, “Pretty Woman” meets “Midnight Express,” with a heart?
I called Fox Searchlight to ask if they were really considering a project that would involve Rhythm Nationalist Janet Jackson dancing for and having sex with Osama bin Laden. It’s almost pointless to note that they did not respond to my voice mail message.
Also: earlier I reported that Kola Boof objected to being portrayed by Janet Jackson. In fact, Goma wrote me, “Please note that Kola Boof loves Janet Jackson and is a lifelong fan of Janet Jackson, but Boof doesn’t want a film made about her life.”
And what of her detractors? I checked in with bin Laden expert Peter Bergen, who has called Boof’s book “the worst book of the year” and said it was “rife with howlers.” Goma had promised to “discredit and humiliate” the CNN reporter and analyst with evidence supporting the tales whose veracity he had challenged.
“Boof is a pathological liar and a fraud,” Bergen told me with more than a note of irritation in his voice. “The book is a tissue of lies from beginning to end.”
A final note: in an email to (who has also been following this breaking story), Goma clarified that Kola Boof — that’s “Ms. Boof” if you are, like bin Laden, alleged to be nasty — was not a “sex slave,” despite being abused and forced to dance naked. She was his “mistress.”