Apparently The New York Times correctly reported that an as-yet-unfinished FBI investigation into the Nisour Square shootings considers Blackwater to have fired without provocation. ABC News reports that a grand jury in Washington D.C. is considering some kind of indictment for the guard who fired on an Iraqi traffic circle, resulting in 17 dead Iraqis.
A number of Blackwater security guards assigned to the ill-fated convoy have been subpoenaed to appear before the grand jury next week.
A Department of Justice spokesperson, Dean Boyd, said, “We do not comment on grand jury investigations.”
But sources familiar with the Blackwater case say the guards called to testify were, while present, not those who allegedly fired on any civilians.
According to statements given to State Department diplomatic security agents, obtained by, only five guards admitted to firing their weapons.
Will there be indictments? Stay tuned.